A bit? Nah, nudger is a MASSIVE ******** By the way I've no idea what word ******** was so I just typed in the right amount of stars so don't take offence nudge. My main point was the massive bit
Dane - Q&A. Some great questions. And some of the best coming from someone who I assume is Hemsworth Tyke.
he blamed our struggles on Luke Steele, demanded bobby Hassell is sacked and praised the board for sacking the German coach
I think I’ve met Hemsy before at one of these events. I went to listen - but I asked a question in relation to two other questions asked. Question related to none of the directors having the same knowledge of the English game compared to Maurice Watkins.
Thought Dane spoke very well tonight. There were no punches pulled in terms of the questions asked and he gave clear, honest answers as far as he could.
No I didn't finish work till about quarter past 6 so couldn't go even if I wanted to though to be honest they aren't really for me anyway although I was actually tempted.
There is quite a lot. Two hours of Q&A so of course there will be. But basically - the fair play rules that are being discarded by many clubs is causing Barnsley to struggle. But - the main theme is that there is a positive atmosphere at the club.
Dane admitted that mistakes had been made in terms of recruitment and they would be making every effort to learn from those.
A positive atmosphere according to the guy who has to develop a positive atmosphere at the club? Best pay him the bonus now then.