H1N1 flu that was a big deal a few years ago is a variant of Spanish flu (which was endemic from 1918 to the 1970s).
Saw this quote earlier: "I work in parliament and developed the same symptoms as Nadine Dorries MP on the same day. I’ve had a dry cough, chest pain and fever for four days. NHS 111 services triaged me away from Coronovirus on Friday. I could not be tested because I hadn’t been in close contact to a previously confirmed case. The official 111 advice for me this morning – after calling again to check after hearing about Nadine Dorries MP – is to go to work with a cough, wash my hands, and assume that I don’t have it. (I am actually going to ignore that advice and work from home.)"
First of all thank you to all the contributors to this conversation. Apart from all the s**** that is published on this board, I’m once again surprised at how much I have learned. As a 70 year old with asthma I am very worried about this outbreak and taking as many precautions as I can. Life can be miserable when you don’t go out and mix with people. I still have questions though. I read in the paper this morning that the peak is expected in the next two weeks. So what happens then? Will it die out? I heard that a vaccination is not expected for two and a half years, so how long before we get back to normal?
I think you are right to be worried and take the precautions you can though no one really knows how this will pan out. I am no medical expert but am baffled by this idea of a peak in 2 weeks - that implies it will go down again in April and I dont see that at the moment Its still not clear how many will get it though - the worst case projections are over half the population but that hasnt been the case so far in infected areas of China or South Korea where cases are declining. Even for the poor people held on the Diamond Princess which seemed a good pertri dish for it the infection rate was below 20% so I am hoping the worst case projections erred massively on ths side of caution. As for getting back to normal no idea - the current thinking is it will die down over the summer then come back in November so we may be more or less normal in a couple of months for a while but I dont think even the experts really know
Not a conspiracy theory but an observation.. Now if you get an outbreak, epidemic or pandemic.. surely IMO one of the 1st things you want to know is how it is transmitted and, in the case of viruses that can only survive l within the host, how long it can survive on different surfaces and conditions. And yet.... We are still told they do not know how long it survives on surfaces in different conditions..although vague advice "states it is unlikely you will catch it through contact with surfaces". However, spending company resources on testing the virus for longevity on various surfaces and in various climatic conditions is not where the 'big money' is although it would undoubtedly calm the general public and enable cleaning areas cost effectively and efficiently and certainly enable better targeting of limited resources. Now the cynic in me says that, the company that develops a working safe vaccine and patents it will make a fortune, hence the headlong rush to get one. Within weeks they had mapped the entire virus Genome. ALL over the World scientists are working flat out to come up with a vaccine. Apparently it was reported 'they'? have already developed one and are testing it on animals, albeit human trials, certification and mass production still means it is middle of next year at best before it is available.
83 new cases today. We have tested fewer people than the previous day for the 3rd day running, however there has been a notable increase in the number of tests which have returned positive.
I have heard that they are looking for volunteers for clinical trials for COVID-19 in London, paying £3500. It is thought at the moment that it survives on surfaces for a few hours, which is were the community spread will be mainly from. This was quite interesting:
I've got a conspiracy that the Health Minister didn't contract the virus at all and was a plant to try and quell the hysteria surrounding the outbreak. With her being 60-odd and seemingly making a full recovery. Am I too cynical?
My mother is at present in BDGH and quite poorly. She can hardly walk, hasn’t eaten for the three weeks she’s been in hospital, can’t get to the toilet without help and at 88, is very frail. She’s due to be discharged tomorrow to the house where she lives alone. If somebody offered her the video solution, I bet she’d think carefully about it.
Vry interesting, I'm working from home for the time being, I have bought enough food to keep us alive for 2 weeks, and I'm not going to the gym again, nor any other gatherings until the number of new cases starts to go down. Time to stay indoors I'm afraid,
This is just extraordinary. Our government is dragging its heels, with potentially horrific consequences. Football, along with other major public gatherings, should just be cancelled.
I can’t believe there’s 40k people being allowed to mingle at Cheltenham every day this week, madness.
I haven’t read anything with much credibility about asthma, other than the virus brings on asthma like symptoms, so it’s assumed those with asthma will suffer. What have you read?