Hi mate, keep well. I think it's "how long is a piece of string" with this. In my business I'm expecting 3-4 months of disruption. NHS wise, I just hope they can cope. The next 6 weeks will be most critical for them I expect.
I just hope that the inevitable inability of the NHS to deal with the sheer number of serious cases is not used as an argument that it is not fit for purpose and needs to be privatised. Call me cynical, but I can see that being rolled out at some point.
I’ve heard that the people who died had underlying conditions. As one of symptoms is fluid on the lungs, I’m assuming asthma is one of those underlying conditions. Of course I lack the expertise of someone like Nigel Farage.
What Italy has shown is that it takes 2-3 weeks to overwhelm the health system with people needing critical care. Yes, the majority are fine but if you allow enough people to get infected then the number of acute cases will come all at once, then your death rate will look more like 15% not >3%.
Totally correct. Lack of ventilators seems to have been the big issue so far in Italy, but soon lack of beds also. I hope we are taking note.
'Common cold'... 1 A misnoma and misleading as there is no one single virus or bacteria involved. Every time you 'catch a cold' it is in the vast majority of instances different since some are viral (up to 200) and some bacterial. Usually your immune system memory prevents you succumbing to the same virus or infection more than once. 2 Some Viruses CAN survive for two or three months maximum in certain types of soil but whilst bacteria is a single cell organism, viruses are basically packets of DNA that need a host to grow and reproduce and invade the host cells and modify them. They cannot exist (live) for long without a host. Bacteria, on the other hand, can thrive, grow and reproduce in lots of conditions.
At this point I think it's prudent to advise elderly/at risk relatives to self-isolate as far as possible to protect themselves. The true number of people who currently have the virus is not 456. It will be many, many times that number
Thats a very good point - assuming the symptoms take around 5 days to show and it takes a further 3 days to get tested and the results back we are at least 8 days behind on the figures we are reporting so its likely to be a few thousand with the virus now. Not sure the open door policy of letting people come back in from Italy unchecked was the smartest idea. It seems the test only works once symptoms appear so no point testing people just in case they have been exposed if they feel fine. - I cant find out how easy it is to transmit before symptoms show though.
If you work back from later confirmed tests in Hubei province applying a similar logic to what you say, then it reveals that the time they had 444 confirmed cases (we have 460) there were actually 12,000ish with the virus at that time. And that's only the people who were subsequently diagnosed. At this point it's pretty safe to assume it's everywhere.
Yes I think you are probably about right on that - maybe a few less because we do have a bit more awareness now but its the right ball park Just found this its a good if less than comforting read on the subject which seems quite plausible and I am not at all sure we have it right - though I am sure the USA definitely hasn't. https://www.lrb.co.uk/the-paper/v42/n06/rupert-beale/short-cuts
USA now banned all travel from Europe for 30 days (except the UK for some reason...) The NBA season has also been suspended indefinitely. Not bad for something that’s just a bad cold, is it