Cherries in danger of conceding a few if they're not careful. Their defending leaves a lot to be desired.
Genuine question - why does everyone hate Liverpool so much? Is it something from before my time? (25 yo) I have a proper soft spot for the city. Working class, northern, generally politically aligned with Yorkshire, and very passionate fans on both sides of the red/blue divide. I know there are rotten eggs in any city, but I've only ever met nice scousers.
‘Everyone’ doesn’t. It’s just become fashionable because they’re doing well (not tonight, obvs!). Much like United under Ferguson, Chelsea under Jose etc. Hopefully ‘everyone’ will hate tarn in a few years when we win the Champions League.
It's not everyone. The ones who hate Liverpool are the ones who shout it loud. Not as many as you think. The ones who ike the city or couldn't give a toss either way are larger in number but dont shout about it.
For me the main reason is the way their fans were bigged up as the best and most sporting fans in the world. Always banging on about themselves being great while actually being some of the biggest bas.tards in football to away fans, especially in the seventies. Also biggest martyrs in the world.
They think of themselves as an unimpeachable beacon of football - what football should be, the best club in the world and immune from criticism. It's exemplified in the fact that they wore t shirts supporting suarez when he was accused of racism. Because he played for Liverpool he couldn't possibly be in the wrong.
Not a liverpool fan but how they have lost that tonite i will never know.Poor finishing and thats it.Oh and poor goalkeeping.Thought madrid were very ordinary and like michael owen said other teams in europe must be clapping thier hands now liverpools out.
Sadly I'm sure a minority of fans from almost any club in the country would have done the same; most folk who follow football are good people, but every single club has its pondlife