Couldn’t have wished for better news All office staff (60 off us ) been told today to take a laptop home and work from home. That will do just nicely .
Some plus points for some folks then. My friend works for Vodaphone, who supply NHS & government communications & they have been on home work for two weeks now.
I would imagine the scenario works out quite nicely for staff but not so much for weekly paid or self employed.
My business could be in lock down in a few weeks. Not even SSP for me or all the subcontractors that work for me. I'll be OK for a bit, assuming we are only talking a couple of months or so, but it's likely cancellations will go on way past the peak of the outbreak. My concern really is a lot of people in the "gig economy" will be tempted to work, even if they have symptoms, as they have no fall back.
I've worked from home for the last 3 years with just occasional visits to my major client in Austria. I do miss an office sometimes but just at the minute it is fairly perfect. No chance of me visiting them in the next few weeks either as they have banned all non essential visits and are encouraging as many of their staff as possible to work from home
i must admit it wasn’t based on any scientific facts, I’d definitely recommend getting one cracked before loose women however.
I was based at home for nearly 6 years with an average of 2 days a week actually at home. Could just about manage that, although it took my Wife a while to understand I was there to work not babysit whilst she just did. Any weeks with more than that would send me scatty
I worked from home (when I wasn't on the road) from about 2011, until I retired last year, so it would be no change for me.
I work from home between 80% and 100% of every week and have done for years so nothing is changing for me although as a business we are reacting and making some fundamental changes. Only essential UK travel now permitted, overseas travel now stopped and office based staff being prepared to work from home.
The thing with working from home is that you need discipline, or you'll get absolutely nothing done. I've worked from home on and off for 6 years now. I spend maybe one day every 2 weeks in an office. Won't be for the foreseeable future though, i recon.
True, discipline is needed. In my job we'd be caught out very quickly if we weren't putting the hours in. I have a very strict routine and aside from walking the dog and making dinner I don't come out of my office at all. All I have for company is my dog and LBC on the radio. I get distracted more on the days I'm in the office.