I went this morning, bloody hell it was like an Andrex battle field . I had to smile looking at one blokes trolley, he had seven boxes of Stella and a pack of bog roll, all whilst sitting in the cafe eating a bacon sarnie . What more does a man need ?
There was a huge queue outside Sainsbury’s in Headingley this morning waiting for it to open as we drove past.
And this is how far Capitalism and thus civilisation is from the edge. It's going to be a sad way to wake people up to what's really important. My heart goes out to the NHS workers. They're going to see things no one should have to, and have to make truly heartbreaking decisions about who lives and dies. They're putting their own lives on the line to save others. Lions led by greedy ******* donkeys. There's footage of the Italian people standing on their balconies and en masse applauding their own health care workers. Truly magnificent and emotional scenes. **** the Tories.
Was there about 11, one woman with at least 20 bottles of domestos and other bleach products. Overheard one couple whilst picking up a bottle of milk oh we'll get some milk and put in the freezer. Why the hell would anyone freeze milk is beyond me, just shows the lengths people are going to when there is no need to panic
I went yesterday and bought some punk ipa, some jalapeños and some beef mince. If I’m going down, I’m going down eating Mexican food. Pick buwerns outta that, coronavirus.
It was the need to freeze it that got me, long life uht can sit in the fridge, normal milk these days has 10 day shelf life so why the hell would they want to freeze it. Bread I can understand but not milk
Lots of people who work in offices freeze milk as one person buys a few and leaves just one in the fridge. Never tried it myself but I do know it’s a common thing.
it does not need a fridge, just a cool place. It has over a 9 month shelf life. But once opened it say to then keep in a fridge and use within 3 days of opening.
What in the name of anything sane is the preoccupation with accumulating a mountain of toilet rolls in every household. Is it the new 'gold stand' or going to replace the Euro?