There is going to be a huge shortage of hospital beds to cope with this virus. We used to have plenty but since 2010 thousands have been got rid of. Can you guess by who?
my recollection is of recycled X 3 teabags and powdery marvel floating in the mugs - horrible stuff! (used to make it as we played a card game - Solo - until the early hours.)
my mum used to routinely have a bottle or two in the freezer, my dad had a chronic illness ,they never knew when it would flare up which would mean they couldn’t get out.They preferred it to the long life stuff.
I reckon most of the tossers bulk buying in tarn are socialist by nature (when it suits clearly). Anyway thanks for your acknowledgement of us frontline NHS workers .
My neighbour informs me that because he has underlying conditions and in order to have the test he has to be admitted to the ward reserved for sufferers to have the test . He informed me he refused the test because he didn’t want to go in that ward unless he definitely had it . I have no reason to doubt him but if that’s true it’s Balmey that you have to risk to have the test .
Great news and I sincerely hope this situation continues but unfortunately I have serious doubts it will.
People are thick and selfish. The last couple of elections in this country, the US election in 2016 and Brexit have shown this - it should come as no surprise that people are panic buying things they don't need at the expense of others.
People in extreme or unusual situations act irrationally. That's no surprise. I presume that's the case as the Capitalists aren't exactly giving their bog roll away either. As Fred Rodgers said, "Always look for the helpers". I work for a University School that trains student nurses. The thought of those young students nurses, some with only a handful of placement hours experience volunteering to put themselves on the frontline of the oncoming onslaught in our hospitals makes me cry with admiration for their selflessness. We've got a government scrambling around asking hotels for beds and manufacturing companies to make ventilators as we don't have enough (we'll ignore the fact we don't have enough trained staff to use them). There's only one group of people responsible for this mess and they're in government and have been for 10 years. And what's that I hear? Virgin Airlines asking for a govt £7bn bailout? Thinking of others isn't Socialism, it's the moral centre. I wish you the best during this next few months. Stay safe.
It's bad enough for the standard winter flu, which happens every year, but the govt continually ask NHS staff to do the impossible under circumstances of the Tories own making. This will be far more serious. What we're seeing now is crisis management, of a crisis 10 years in the making.
My advice to everyone - Look after yourself and your loved ones. And for fickz sake don't need a trip to the hospital anytime soon.