I work within the community in Nottingham. I have supported Barnsley for over 40 years. I posted this hoping that somehow football would be able to maybe avoid being brought into this what ever COVID 19 is. Now all I am bothered about is my distant family my elderly mother and children and if I will ever see them again. I have a weakness for chest infections that can be quite severe. Working on the front line you have already committed to helping those most vunerable and I plan to do this to my best ability till I may need to self isolate myself. There are thousands of vunerable people in the community, look around at your neighbours. What can you do to help. This is my challenge to everyone. One of the most important things is to make sure you self isolate if you have symptoms not go out possibly spreading infection. If you are currently feeling well consider helping those who maybe already in self isolation, making sure they are coping picking up food medication for them etc. I know several people now who are in self isolation due to symptoms Speaking to them from outside their house on the phone as they cant have visitors. This is going to be a challenging time for everyone. No one should feel alone. Best wishes to us all. The original post is completely irrelevant now.
Scruffy ******** around town might start with covering their mouths when they cough, amount of people short on basic hygiene l saw around town yesterday was unbelievable. Pointless putting the hand gel pumps in Alhambra - half of the people didn't know what they were.
I work on an Outpatients department. If bans of 500 or more people happen where will it leave NHS staff?
It doesn't strictly apply to work places but the company in Austria I do my work for has moved to mandatory teleworking for all but absolutely essential staff and they are limiting their hours. Just had a teleconference with the project group I work with and we have allocated one person - who lives just 20 mins from the office to be the one who will go in if there is a need to go and change a setup on any equipment - he will go in change it then once its confirmed fine go home again. Its going to make things less efficient but hopefully most of the staff can stay well. or at least if someone does get ill they don't infect the whole department at one go. Talking to one of the engineers this morning - who happens to be Italian but now living in Austria they have seen what happened in Italy and are desperate to prevent in happening there - he hopes they are locking down in time. He doesn't like our approach.
Seems I was a victim of fake news, and Mexico is only considering it. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020...o-border-crossing-limits-200313151403402.html
like you say could be fake but the fact that we even think it might be true speaks volumes - had someone said the same about Teresa May, Cameron, Brown, Blair Major or Thatcher no one would take it seriously - Biggest crisis in my memory and least suitable PM