News sites mention isolating over 70s. BBC News yellow ticker and Radio 1 Newsbeat didn't mention age and just said most vulnerable. Most vulnerable is more sensible than putting a age on it. So someone in their 30s with heart issues or 40s with COPD can still go out and about. But someone in their 70s who might still run half marathons has to stay indoors.
Over 70s are classified as ‘most vulnerable’ along with anyone under 70 with existing conditions etc.
He said in press conference that they could exercise providing they keep a safe distance from others. If she wants to take her dog I say let her providing it is doable in terms of not coming into close contact with others
Oh yes. I'm a supermarket manager, been in the business over 30 years so thought I'd seen it all until this last week and day by day it gets worse. Stupid doesn't even come close and many on here will be guilty. I don't know where all these panic buyers are cos all my customers are " just doing my normal weekly shop"..........£350 later would suggest not. Classic one today......little kid in the trolley " mummy why are we buying all this stuff, the trolleys not normally this full", Mums reply "well well everyone else is doing it" ! A society of lemmings.
Really? My mother’s got a degree in midwifery, nursing and psychology having worked in the nhs for 45 years. What are yours in soft bellend?
I'll answer for him: Chemistry and Accountancy. And he didn't say everyone but he has a massive point.
Can we just get one thing clear, it isn’t about ‘locking them up’ the media and to some extent the government is going wrong with the semantics here and not explaining things properly Vulnerable classes of people can still go out, but need to be sensible and keep their distance.
His entire statement reeks of disrespectful rhubarb towards a generation of people that deserve better. Absolutely ridiculous.
A generation that systematically fc*ked mine and subsequent generations over with the the most selfish voting our planet will ever know. When we had a viable alternative.
Why does the generation that has polluted the planet, melted the ice caps and generally pulled the ladder up from behind them deserve better? There are inspirational and wonderful people from that generation, I’m not saying there aren’t, but the generation as a whole does not deserve better. The generation that came before them, they deserve all the admiration and respect.
Have you lost your ******* mind? Like millions of people my parents have never voted Tory in their lives yet seem to be getting tarred with the same brush you’re randomly waving about. How you blame an entire generation for something I’ve no idea. Especially when they’re currently at very high risk of succumbing to this disease. Jesus wept
Sorry, because your parents din't vote Tory then our rights weren't taken away. Nothing was eroded. We have exactly the same privileges as your parents, who I was clearly talking about. None of it happened and I've lost my mind.
A generation is judged on the difference in the world they inherit and the world they leave for their grandchildren, not on individuals
**** me, based on that logic, my generation will go down as a bunch of scrounging claimants who’s country was run by a warmonger for votes(thatcher) and a war crminal(Blair). The majority of us that lead decent, law abiding, hardworking lives will be totally forgotten as we never made the news