In fairness to the original poster, rationing could happen. Food factories already have in place plans to move to minimal staff, reducing output by nearly 60% if a lockdown occurs, part of that plan is agreements with Supermarket chains to reduce lines and concentrate on basic lines. The government have also put in place the suspension of limiting working hours for articulated drivers of essential supplies.
Pornhub* did offer Premium for free to the Italians. Perhaps they will extend the offer. *Other adult entertainment sites might be available. I have no idea (honest!)
You might joke, but there is likely to be a baby boom around Christmas this year. Just hopefully we have a vaccine by then, with pregnant women being at increased risk of picking up (any) infections and newborns also being higher risk. At a time when the NHS is under winter pressures anyway.
In terms of our country it will be greater, if the report from Imperial College is anything to go by. UK death toll upwards of half a million. There were, by comparison, around 300,000 UK citizens and military killed in WW2
They think they know how to treat it now though. I think this will be over earlier if it's a legit source.
I'm isolated alone on my boat in Rhodes and slowly going crazy, trying to avoid the news as much as possible and read books\watch movies but avoiding news when you want to know what is going on is hard. Maybe it is time to write my book....
They're using an old HIV drug to treat the virus in Australia. Money talks and with the prospect of multiple events being cancelled and financial ruin for lots of people I wouldn't be surprised if this virus dies a death pretty quickly.
The problem though is everybody is saying a lot of things and it is difficult sometimes to filter the ******** when it is on mainstream news sites. Currently locked down until 5th April and have seen reports suggesting it will be extended to April 30th..... 3 months..... etc
The death rates of Covid-19 will be nowhere near those of WW11 when 3% of the worlds population was killed, mostly civilians. It may be greater in terms of the economic impact whereby many businesses will go bust and millions left unemployed. In a years time the real test awaits the UK. The test of our entrepreneurs and government, and the resolve, stoicism and work ethic of the rest of us.
The government have spoken about the idea of relaxing drivers hours but so far nothing has been done,but to be honest its not the drivers hours that will be the problem in the supply chain , it will be panic buying and food production if anything.. incidently,drivers hours and the use of tacho's extend down to 7.5 tonners that can be driven on a normal car licence (if you passed your test pre 1990 summat),tacho's arnt just used on Class 1 lorries (which i drive)
[ Steps are already in place, Supermarkets have had delivery times relaxed to enable flexibility for delivery and companies have already been advised driving hours will be relaxed if required, so it’s as good as in place. And yep your correct down to a 7.5 on a car licence prior to Jan 1997. And you are correct it will be the panic buying that will cause the biggest issue, especially if the factories do go to skeleton crews and minimal lines.
It’s scandalous that the biggest issue is panic buying. Not job losses or death. Italy is on a lockdown beyond the comprehension of most of us in the UK; and yet they can still go out and buy bogrolls, we should be ashamed.