Two pints of lager and a packet of covid-19, please. Two pints of lager and a packet of covid-19, please. I'll have two pints of lager and a packet of covid-19, please. I'll have some pickled onions, And a little bit of cheese, please. Thank you.
Extremely irresponsible behaviour. I hope you don’t have any family members that are elderly or with severe medical conditions, or you could very well have condemned them with your actions. I thought about mentioning that I hope you don’t come into contact with anyone that has family members in those categories, but it’s clear you don’t give a **** about anyone but yourself, so that wouldn’t have made a difference to you, would it.
How hard is it to follow advice for a few weeks to not go to a pub? It’s literally to save people’s lives, the most important reason there could ever be, and people still can’t help themselves.
Weren't you saying that your son has health problems and has been in and out of hospital in the past? Seems like a wise move! Hope you enjoyed your beers
Even if that were true (I’m not saying it is or it isn’t, I have no idea) is that a valid reason for risking the life of vulnerable loved ones?
That is why pubs should have been ordered to close. In the war they didn't advise having black out blinds, you had to black out your house!
Good old Barnsley stubbornness. I bet Chennels and Corner Pin is full of the same old riff raff all week not taking a blind bit of notice and putting the rest of us at risk.
It does make me wonder how many idiots we could get rid of if we started a rumour that running blindfold across the road was the best way to build up immunity to the virus.
Judging by this thread, the best way would be to tell them that not running blindfold across the road would potentially save thousands of lives, they would then try to do it as many times as possible.
At the moment none on here have lost anyone to this a month or so that will change. See how judgemental this thread might get then!
So I assume you think it's fine to ignore direct advice and directions that are designed to save tens to hundreds of thousands of lives? There's literally nothing more important than that. If it's true that he has a child with medical issues, well. I'm just going to hope that's not true.
Work - necessary but most people who can are working from home. Supermarket - necessary. School - necessary- arguably to keep the country running. Pub - not necessary. Hope that explains it because some people seem to be finding it difficult to understand.