Some of them will. In my industry most won't, although I'm cautiously optimistic that we do (more out of luck than judgment to be honest!). Business interruption used to deal with "notifiable diseases" in general, but SARS frightened the life out of insurance companies so now most off the shelf policies talk about "specified diseases" and have a list attached so they can avoid liability for anything new. If your insurance policy talks about any notifiable disease then you've got at least a fighting chance of claiming. But as you say, until we're actually told to close then nobody can claim anything at all. The government seems very keen to keep us open while also advising our customers not to come out - it's all very strange.
Genuine question. What about the £25k cash grant to business in the retail and leisure sector and business rates relief, the £10k cash grant to small businesses or SSP being covered by the gvmt? Do you not get to benefit from these?
A crisis is on where the country needs to pull together like in the war and they're squabbling like kids as per usual. What a ***** Corbyn is, l couldn't give a toss what party he represents. You listen to the news and await... the Shadow《insert job here》disagrees...
My daughter and my eldest son are both private renters. My son's partner is still doing her PhD so they should at least still get her stipend. My daughter works for a private before/after school club which is sure to close soon, probably till september.
You mean people should praise a man that's been forced to pump that amount of money into an economy that was previously on the brink of recession, after 10 years of austerity and a likely downturn due to Brexit, to stop people starving in their own homes as the UK economy will tank like we've never seen before?
I believe they have alluded to a second announcement as the first package was business-centric. The second package of measures will be aimed at individuals, renters, landlords and hopefully gig-economy workers. Regrettably some businesses and individuals will undoubtedly fall through the gaps but, I genuinely believe that would be the case whichever political party is in office. Unlike some of the more extreme anti Tory brigade on here, I also think that any lack of support for certain sectors is not incompetence, or wilful neglect or a conspiracy to only look after the elite. Nevertheless some on here are so wrapped up in fighting the 'class war' they cannot see past their own prejudice and will continue to blame everything on Johnson and the Conservative Government.... Oh! and the flawed electoral system that 'robbed' the Labour party of victory at the last election (you couldn't make it up) Some are still blaming Thatcher for people's selfish behaviour which, is odd seeing as most were not even born when she was in office 30 years ago! We need look no further than a particular poster on this BB boasting of going to the pub and basically putting two fingers up to those who are acting responsibly in order to shield the more vulnerable As regards claims that Johnson was responsible for the delay in changing tack regarding methodology for attacking the pandemic I would remind everyone that he has in both instances been following scientific and medical advice. The sudden change was as a result of remodelling by Imperial College that indicated the change was necessary to avoid more deaths long term and reduce the pressure on the NHS.
So damned if he does and damned if he doesn't. Look to Europe if you think UK is unique. EU policy and ECB has pursued austerity measures and Italy, Greece , Spain and Portugal are in as bad a state, if not worse than UK masked only by a massive QE programme. Still don't let your Anti Tory views get in the way of the facts.
It's always interesting to see where some people's compassion for their fellow man starts and stops. For the Tories it's a national and worldwide emergency we've not seen since the second World War.. Good to know eh?
Not sure I get your point since it IS a national and Worldwide emergency. What has that to do with 'compassion'?? 'Watcher of the Skies'? Perhaps 'Head in the Clouds' would me a more appropriate moniker.
He had no choice. This wasn't an option he could have failed to take. And don't misrepresent me, I was heavily against all austerity everywhere, especially Greece where the EU asset stripped that country and handed over its airports et al to French and German companies. That's one of the primary reasons why I didn't vote to remain in the EU. Tories are a function of Capitalism. I dislike both.
You're wanting me to say what to your initial post? That given it's a national emergency he's at last done one thing I agree with? Sure, have that for free if that's what matters in your attempt at one upmanship.
Funny how every other country and the WHO could see it but he couldn't. If that were Corbyn you'd be apoplectic, saying he's incompetent and has blood on his hands.
We are a 'dog eat dog' competitive species fortunately tempered with compassion (well for most people anyway) IMO uncontrolled, unregulated capitalism is the problem. Communism,and to a lesser extent Socialism (not to confuse the two) principles are too idealistic but will never work due to human nature. Regulated controlled Capitalism is what is missing. I have no objection to millionaires who have become so through hard work, risk taking and entrapreneurial spirit who create employment and material goods that add something. I DO object to people being paid vast sums in public sector handling other people's money e.g. taxpayers' money, and those who make fortunes buying and selling currency , stocks and shares which does not actually produce anything (albeit pension funds rely on profits generated) when people like Doctors, Nurses, Care assistents and many others who are vital to our wellbeing earn a fraction of what they should. As I said, history has shown us that the only system that advances society is really a capitalist one albeit the current one we have is distorted and not fit for purpose as greed and an insistence on constant (unsustainable) growth is flawed. I dislike the concept from each according to their ability , to each according to their needs (Yes I know it is incorrectly attributed to Marx ) but it removes incentive and motivation, again, due to human nature. My problem with Labour and Corbyn , as has been clearly demonstrated the past few weeks, is that they merely look at the Conservative announcements and then simply criticise them but don't actually state what they would do instead. All they say is Cons are not doing enough!! Easy to say when you dont have any power. What would be your ideal solution if you could wave a magic wand and create the perfect society?
Why assuming he was taking advice from experts? Many countries have put off the extreme measures until recently that Italy adopted so UK is not that different and behind the curve. If Corbyn had used the same advisers he would, or should have done the same
I disagree fundementally with the idea that people are only motivated by money. It seems that way because that is the norm to capitalist societies. I do agree that capitalism can be fairer, the gap is massive between the top and the bottom of society.
Thatcher created an uncaring, entitled and selfish society and this has been passed from parent to child to create the even more uncaring selfish and entitled generation of today. As many at the time predicted, that evil woman IS responsible for that.