Judgemental. Yes. Putting other people's lives at risk because you're incapable of resisting the urge to "have a rinse". Stupid, irresponsible and anti social.
Unfortunately it 's the likes of pub workers that will.come out of this crisis the worst. More likely to get the disease due to loads of contact with outside people and minimum wage, expendable workers.
I work on an Outpatients department and my job is classed as essential. Even though I have an underlying medical condition my trusts stance is I should continue to attend work unless I become symptomatic. Not that I'm work shy or owt like that but I can't wait for the government to release proper information on underlying medical conditions and make it official.
But you will get sick pay and have a job after this. Minimum wage pub/cafe workers will only get ssp and in all likelihood no job or a cut on shifts However, I hope that there is clearer guidelines as to the risk you face by going to work
Don’t be so quick to throw the first stone that’s all I’m saying. Going to the pub is not illegal. Pubs have not been told to close, so folks will set their own levels of what is and isn’t acceptable behaviour. Many will set their level of risk somewhere North of 70 mph on the motorway. That’s stupid irresponsible anti social and illegal but have we never done it?
I have every sympathy for the pub industry mate. Lots of people are going to suffer, not just through health. That doesn't mean we should be taking risks with our wellbeing though.
Going to the pub is not illegal. Currently i think it probably should be. Going there when you are fully aware that you are endangering the lives of others is beyond irresponsible. No amount of whataboutery can change that. Is it too difficult a concept to grasp that if we all buckle down and reduce the spread of this thing as effectively as possible in the short term we can both save lives and, hopefully, get back to normal that bit quicker?
A lot won’t be covered for this virus and any that are insurance companies will do their utmost to avoid paying out
I've been involved in the trade for over 30 years until last year...I would doubt there would be anything in my insurance to cover such an event.
But they aren’t and that’s the issue. Responsibility should be with Boris and not Joe Public. To hell with his insurance chums, he needs to make it absolutely clear by shutting the pubs.
Which makes the situation worse. Bojo said to avoid pubs but gave no indication for approx how long as he's always so vague. Whilst people will be worried of ending up homeless and bankrupt so will feel they have no choice but to stay open.
I agree with you that it should be mandatory, but I find it a bit daft that grown adults can't act responsibly without something needing to be law. I don't need wiping my arse to be made a legal requirement, but I still do it to protect my health.
Not being argumentative for the sake of it, but I don't think it's reasonable to spin the Boris and his insurance chums line...as I stated above I was in the trade for over 30 years and I'm not aware of ever holding an insurance policy that would cover these events.
I'll be, unless otherwise indicated by said public house be as usual having a pint Saturday while walking my pooch. I might even go out for a nice breakfast in the morning. I am well aware of the risks through social contact but if those places are having to remain open in order to make a living and are doing their best to ensure customer safety, while ever I am free of symptoms or they remain open for business, the very least I can do is provide my support for them in what is a difficult and stressful time. You are as likely to get this virus because some scruffy **** has spaffed their lungs all over the tatties in Aldi as you are in a pub where the staff are going above and beyond to ensure cleanliness. I wont lock myself away and constantly search social and news outlets to heighten my fear and paranoia like some are doing as it isnt helping anything.
Pub owners etc should get support and, at some point, insurance companies etc are going to have to be told that they pitch in along with everyone else. This is a situation where no individual or organization should be making profit on the back of the crisis. That's all nebulous at the moment though. What i don't get is the mindset of the individual in going to the pub in the first place. It's a simple equation. Do i go to the pub and risk getting seriously, possibly fatally ill or do i forego a drink and stay safer at home. Surely it's a no brainer even from a looking after number one standpoint!
You and others are still missing the point though. Everything else is a necessity! Pubs are not. It is common sense to reduce it as much as possible. If you and others want to be selfish about it then crack on, but I think you and anyone else taking that stance is as thick as mince.
Surely if the government orders a business to close in these circumstances they can claim compensation under their insurance? If I’m wrong I stand corrected. If I am wrong then it also makes it even more of a mystery why BJ hasn’t just ordered them to close.