From an nhs employee: We have just been sent a medical alert that no one is to use anti inflammatories (eg I brufen, Voltarol, naproxen and there are others) for pain or high temperature. Use paracetamol instead. There seems to be a link between severe cases of covid19 affecting young people with no underlying illnesses and taking anti inflammatories. Initial reports started coming from French Drs on Friday. This has been confirmed by infectious diseases consultants here - there are 4 young people in ICU in Cork who have no underlying illnesses - all were taking anti inflammatories and there are concerns this has caused a more severe illness. We have been asked to spread the message. French tv and radio apparently broadcast the same warning today.. From John Greenwood’s niece...Consultant Pediatrician in London. Pls pass on.
It's utter bilge as usual, at least the Cork bit is. Here's a list of the current hoaxes: -
A doctor on the One Show this eve has advised against taking ibuprofen for symptoms unless you have a condition such as arthritis that requires it. She said they don't have enough research to substantiate reports at the moment.
It depends who/what you believe. Most of what I've read debunks the link, but who knows? My point was the story about the Cork patients is invented, as is the story about "a friend in the army told me there would be a lockdown". Strange times when idiots intentionally start rumours and spread panic, then sit back and giggle at the havoc they cause.
My first reaction to anything posted on Social Media is that it's a load of ****** with zero credibility. I've seen nothing recently to change my view.
Agree totally, but sadly many people believe this stuff and share it further. I have friends who honestly and sincerely believe that they could win a Range Rover on Facebook just by typing "Silver" as a comment then liking and sharing. I have another friend who refuses to believe that computer viruses exist, even though she keeps sending me links to porn sites by email. Her husband insists we never landed on the moon and 9/11 was an inside job. I recently commented on the "Friends of Dodworth Village" Facebook group that the "Stanford Advice" post (hold your breath for 10s, drink water every 15 mins) someone had shared was garbage. Instead of deleting it, they removed me from the group and blocked me. I know several people who believe you can assert rights over your Facebook photos and posts by copying and pasting some bizarre invented text about the Statute of Rome. It's amazing how many people believe all this garbage. And the social media firms love it, because all the likes and shares boost their advertising revenue. It's rife on the BBS too, and nobody has time to police it. What a strange and sad world we live in.
You’re absolutely correct. I know I’ve posted a lot on here the last few days, but I always try and get sources from reputable outlets to back up claims. Or if I can’t find anything I’d consider reputable, I try and find the same information from media of multiple political persuasions and read all ‘sides’ I hate the social media idiots that share the absolute garbage that you see on there.
The problem is that sometimes I get it wrong, and get ridiculed for it. This "lockdown" story is obviously complete and utter bilge, at the moment, but if it does eventually happen, I will look like a bit of a tool. It's similar, on another level, to transfer windows, with helicopter pilots, lights on at Oakwell, car number plates, name dropping, people claiming to be ITK when they're not, info for likes, Jason Barker, the list goes on. Social media is great, except there are too many complete and utter tools on it.
It's driving me insane. You can inform people who are liking and sharing the scam "like-farming" pages that they are scam "like-farming" pages but they continue to do it. "Got this from a doctor...." "Passing this on from a friend who's great aunt works at BDGH..." I have just deactivated Facebook, I cannot cope with it anymore.
It may well follow, but the current stories about people being told by a friend or relative in the forces are obviously made up junk. If they were true, they wouldn't be all such obvious "copy, paste and change a couple of words" versions of each other.
One of the best is the ‘if you had a cough for a couple of weeks in Feb you had Corona Virus’ and it’s all being over exaggerated
I tried to deactivate mine, but they told me I might win a world cruise, a camper van, a Millwall season ticket, 48 bog rolls and 5 litres of hand sanitizer if I kept it on and liked a post about the flat earth society. How could I resist?
Surprised they didn't offer you a free seat in 1st class on an easy jet flight? # despite the fact that there is no 1st class easy jet seats ( unless you count the handful with extra legroom for 20£)
Somebody on here even tried making out that they'd seen Patrick Schmidt touch the ball a week or two back. How daft do they think I am?