He is pushing the external enemy threat to rouse his base to vote for him, and try to get them to ignore his mistakes.
I was talking to a corona virus the other day. Perfect English, born and raised in the UK, as were his parents, grand parents, great grand parents and all his ancestors he could trace, which was 32 generations, stretching all the way back to yesterday morning. Didn't speak a word of mandarin and hated rice.
Trump's father was a big mate of Roy Cohn the chief inquisitor during the McCarthy witch trials. Trump senior thought Cohn would make a good mentor for son Donny. Cohn told Trump junior that he only needed to remember three things to be a success. These were:- Never admit you made a mistake, never say you were ever wrong on anything and when in a 'tight spot' just lie, and that's what he's adhered to all his adult life.
Trump's performance throughout the crisis so far has been disgusting and at times jaw dropping. To stand there and say to Fox News that he didn't want Americans with the virus taken off a cruise ship because it would make his numbers look bad was astounding. I can't think of any other politician stupid enough to say it or lucky enough to have a base stupid enough to let him get away with it.
Reminded me of when Barack Obama started calling BP "British Petroleum" after the oil spillage a few years ago.
The state of this thread! Some absolute clueless morons! May he continue to call them out. Let’s hope for serious repercussions for the murdering Chinese government. Wake up! Remember the scientist who broke the news of this and what they did to him? The journalists who have been killed and imprisoned for trying to tell the world? China will be held to account for this.
Bloody hell. Not only Trump-supporting morons in the good old US of A then. Of all the ***** I’ve read over the last few days this one is absolutely up there.
What is the objection to calling it Chinese Virus??? It originated in China - so why not call it what it is? The Chinese caused this catastrophe. They are responsible for all of this !!! They eat everything they can get their hands on - and this is the consequence. When all of this has come and gone - maybe - just maybe the wildlife in China may have a chance to flourish. The moral of the story is don’t eat bats - especially when in China.