I don't know if this is completely true but I like it. The link to the full article is in my post further up the thread. In World War I, neutral Spain was the first to report flu deaths in its newspapers, so commentators soon nicknamed the pandemic ‘Spanish flu.’
The thing is Mario the only reason Trump is calling it the Chinese virus is to try to deflect blame from himself for the crash of the economy and his disastrous handling of the situation. Read the statements he came out with previous to this week. They're mind boggling. All he's interested in is pointing his base in a different direction. The man is one of the most pathetic examples of humankind I've ever witnessed.
He’s one of the most despicable human beings walking gods earth, He’s like a school yard bully, he sees himself as some sort of Rambo character, his speeches to the nation are beyond embarrassing, nothing will convince me that he didn’t con his way to the top with the help of the Russians, I’m genuinely surprised he hasn’t been assassinated by now....other than that I like him
I'll say one thing. You're right..he's utterly contemptible but I've consumed many many hours in the last four years watching with a mixture of horror and fascination what's going on in the USA. One thing's for sure..they're not fit to be classed as leaders of the free world.
On a side note, I wonder if there’s a Chinese takeaway called Hong Kong Phooey, if there’s isn’t there should be.
That pasta moved fast as lightning, In fact it was a little bit frightening, But they bought with expert timing
I wasn't defending Trump or his reasons for calling it the Chinese virus. I just wanted to clear that up.
Why are some people trying to change the narrative and focus on a theory about something that happened a very long time ago? There is now evidence and a theory that Spanish Flu also started in China. It is ok to criticise China without also criticising the West.
They traced it to an army camp in Kansas from there the trail grows cold , The American influenced Historians have attempted to scape the Chinese Immigrants with no proof other than they were the scapegoats at the time . If the Chinese hadn’t been there they would have tried to blame the African Slaves or Irish immigrants . Poverty in America among White Europeans was as gross as anywhere in the world at the time and it probably started with an Hillbilly Chicjen Farmer as The Chinese immigrants they scapegoated .
I don't think that The National Geographic can be accused of peddling American propaganda and the second source that I quoted was the exact same source that you quoted to support your theory so again it is far from being biased towards the Americans.