I suppose it could work, might have to give it a go... https://bigthink.com/sex-relationships/health-benefits-of-masturbation?rebelltitem=3#rebelltitem3
Might advise my clients to do it... will probably get struck off the register, like! Probably explains why I have a good immune system
Scientist :- I've got some bad news for you. Volunteer :- What's that? Scientist :- You're going to be in the control group. Volunteer :- Oh boll**ks!!!!!I
Q. why is having a wnak the same as eating a Macdonalds? A. Because it's always exactly the same and afterwards you swear you'll never do it again!
If this treatment works, and I'm sure people will willingly put it to the test, it won't be long before the virus is defeated and we can enjoy a happy ending to the crisis.
the only time a man can multi-task is when he's watching porn, wnaking, and keeping an eye on the door at the same time!