This is true. 10 allows you a bit of flexibility and two spare. No-one has mentioned a book yet. You are also allowed a luxury. My book is: The complete poems and selected prose of John Donne; My luxury would be: An endless supply of good coffee....
Book: Churchill's World War two (okay it's several volumes) If not allowed The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money by John Maynard Keynes (I read it at University but would waste my days tinkering with it in the forlorn hope I could increase its current relevance) Luxury: Watch (unscrew the crown and it sends a traceable distress signal over the short wave network) If not allowed: Jennifer Lopez (I wouldnt want the watch then)
Personally I think the world would be a far better place without both, especially religion and as for Shakespeare, Shakespeare my ar5e - I'd much rather read an autobiography - something like Ricky Tomlison's
Comfortably Numb - Pink Floyd Heroes - David Bowie Bad - U2 Who’s Crying Now - Journey Fix You - Coldplay On With The Show - Sad Cafe Bat Out of Hell - Meatloaf Us and Them - Pink Floyd Truly Madly Deeply - Savage Garden Stairway to Heaven - Led Zeppelin
Johnny b Goode - Chuck Berry Carol - Rolling Stones Brown eyed handsome man - Buddy Holly Roll over Beethoven - Beatles Rock and Roll Music - Beach Boys No Money Down - Duane Allman Around and Around - Bowie Beautiful Delilah - Kinks Too Much Monkey Business - Yardbirds Sweet Little Sixteen - Animals ps sorry about the typing - trouble with the Stahlrost solution is you keep having to change hands!
Somethings changed - pulp Last night i dreamt - The Smiths Raintown Deacon Blue Four to the floor Starsailor Tiny Dancer Elton John Fool if you think its over Chris Rea Oviedo Blind pilot Memories fade Tears for fears Something the beatles Dream on Noel Gallagher Flag day the housemartins
Mine today, they'll probably be different next week: Marmalade - Reflections of my life Arrival - Friends Buffalo Springfield - For what it's worth ELO - Livin Thing Ronnie Lane & Slim Chance - The Poacher Small Faces - Tin Soldier The Who - Baba O'Riley Thomson Twins - Hold me now Heaven 17 - Temptation ACDC - Thunderstruck
Well Shakespeare didn’t write his plays to be read but to be performed- Ricky Tomlinson is a big fan of his
You are not allowed anything that might help you escape from the island so you can’t have it. You can’t have a person either.
I presume George Kerr is male so it should be “ami” not “amie” - you also missed the circumflex on “sûr”.
blimey, not content with the English grammar police (their/there etc.) we've got the french grammar police on to us now............. I should've used google translate......rather than me remember my french O level after 44 years
If yer dunt call off the grammar police (both sets) I'll set the Bolton on Dearne Concrete Canyon Mafia round - they're (they are) not self isolating AND they've (they have) advanced symptoms of knuckle draggingness