Ha ha! Just been on the phone to mum n dad, they live in cudeth and went to the Aldi this morning, for the 45 mins for OAP. They said it was brilliant....eveyone helpful, kind and considerate, including some "young uns" who were queuing outside and directing them all in. Some good news ....just thought id put it on here, that there are some good deeds to be found .
I think the message is slowly getting out that if you buy more than is necessary to hoard stuff and deny others getting even the basics, then you're a right cu.nt.
I bought two packets of Walkers Dorito's Fiery Cheese flavour crisps and already I'm feeling like a c u n t.
I was taking this virus to the nth degree.....and thought...if i had to ...and i had to go out and kill something for my tea (you know hunter stuff)...can anyone tell me what an actual dorito looks like !!!
It is but it's still bad out there! A friend told me she had been to Morrisons this morning a d the que for the tills went all the way round one side of the shop.
I was at Asda mid morning and it felt a lot more relaxed than earlier in the week. I don't know if the message is getting through or if folk have run out of freezer space. It feels embarrassing now to buy more than one of anything. In my defence, the extra milk and bread was for my 83 year old mother-in-law. I felt like a kid again, knocking on her door and running off.
Just been through town and called at Lidl and Iceland - there are empty shelves everywhere. I thought that after two weeks even the greedy b******s have got enough, but it seems not. It seems they are coming back for more. I red in the paper about the woman in Sainsburys that had a trolley full of bog rolls and when some old lady asked if she wouldn't mind selling her one pack she quoted her £20. I would have literally emptied her trolley back on the shelf and gave her a slap. What a great thing Mrs. Thatcher's me first society is.
Me too but I hope the Shop refused to sell Going to pop out to Waitrose for a laugh a bit later and see what I can get. What I cant understand is why perishable goods are still being stripped at such a rate I have a nasty feeling that some people are buying far more than they will use and then find they have to throw it away which is a sickening thought. Things like Bog Rolls keep so filling your shed with them means they wont go to waste but fresh veg and meat? it makes no sense
If they were on the trolley in the shop they weren't hers till she'd paid for them should have just took one
Went to town today. Good to see lots of folk using the market, Hope this continues when things return to normal. Would hate to see small businesses go to the wall, Especially with the improvements taking place.
I know it's of no relevance but I go to Louth to deliver frames every Friday and I go regularly to Aldi to shop. This afternoon there was fruit and veg, bread in good and various quantity, milk, meat and chicken, and one full pallet of bog rolls. Nobody was rushing around with manic looks on their faces, it all seemed very normal and calm. Perhaps, just perhaps, the panic has subsided, at least there. Pray God some sense has emerged.
it has, my shop is begining to look like its been ram raided but the worrying thing is ALL the warehouses and wholesalers have zero stock i have also just spoke to a mate who is a manager of sorts at warburtons in wakey and he says they,re bread supply is there for now but once the grain stops coming from canada that'll be the end of it.