They haven't. Just as I said they had merely gone into a cycle. Virus starts with one Spreads at an increasing rate. Lockdown Cases drops to almost none Lockdown ends Virus slowly starts to spread again Spreads at an increasing rate Lockdown Cases drops to almost none Lockdown ends Virus slowly starts to spread again Spreads at an increasing rate Lockdown Cases drops to almost none Lockdown ends Virus slowly starts to spread again Spreads at an increasing rate Lockdown And so on and so forth. A week ago they had it down to just at new cases per day, since then the figure has increased 34 on Thursday, 39 yesterday 41 today. The pattern shows that as soon as you allow people to mix again it spreads again because there being locked in your house for a few weeks doesn't magically make you immune. Quite why anyone thought it did was crazy.
I The only solution is to keep the spread of the contagion as low as possible until a vaccine is found.
They predict that will take 18 months. I honestly don't think it's practical to lockdown countries for 18 months. It would destroy the economy completely and send us back to the dark ages. I'd say it's far more important to protect and the isolate the vulnerable as much as possible until a vaccine is found and that's a totally different thing.
There are no "good" solutions. Only less bad ones. You're right. The world economy needs protecting as much as possible while limiting social interaction as much as we can. If this drags on for 18 months it's going to ask some fundamental questions about wealth sharing, a more caring society, massively increased state control of individual and corporate wealth etc.
You don’t get it. There won’t be any corporate wealth. ‘Tax the corporations more’ ‘Errr - there aren’t any corporations’ ‘Oh ****’.
Of course i get it. See my reply to Supertyke. There are no good solutions. My pension is crashing in value. My partner is laid off, my part time job has been wiped out. Do i want her interacting with tourists all day? My stepdaughter in school all day as an asthmatic. No i don't. Do me a favour though. Don't reply to this.
I honestly think people are going to need to re-evaluate their attitude to risk around this virus. The risks to all but the most ill of children are vanishingly tiny. The risks to healthy adults under 40 - especially women - appear next to vanishingly small as well. Measures need to be targeted - and enforced if necessary - on the vulnerable population. Plans in place to support them. In the meantime if you’re someone who’s unlikely to be hospitalised, then I’m afraid people are going to have to face some degree of risk just like they do and did in every other aspect of their everyday life before this came along.
Something else that hasn't been considered is with social contact removed and access to the leisure industry removed how much will suicide rates increase by?
Coronavirus 1 or classic as scientists refer to it SARS happened 17 years ago Still no vaccine Coronavirus Mers 5 years ago still no vaccine Just for comparison around 10,000 people have died from Covid -19 In the exact same time frame so called flu season 36 million cases 440,000 hospitalised over 22,000 dead from just influenza in the USA up to 600,000 die each year from flu worldwide .... and there’s a vaccine of sorts. The vast majority of people who have died unfortunately would have died anyway whether from this virus or suchlike other virus’s or infections because of there secondary problems. If you want to lock yourself in the broom cubboard till it’s over or they have found a vaccine which sometimes works or doesn’t at all Or maybe run round in circles saying everybody’s going to die run down the centre of your local supermarket in your dressing gown and slippers abusing staff and knocking old people out of the way to get to The Andrex and pasta Off you go I will leave you to it. There is no evidence that we can stop or isolate it There is no cure or treatment hence government advice telling you no point going to the doctors or hospital. There are too many horrible illnesses and diseases to count or worry about constantly. That your going to catch , get or die from. You may catch this virus and have a incredibly low chance of dieing ,you may not You may not catch it all all Just like any and all of the other illnesses and diseases Be at ease with that and let’s all get on with our lives
I've no idea but I see no reason why they'd lie and say it's spreading and increasing again if it isnt
According to the reports I’m seeing, the new cases in China are due to people returning from other countries. In other words, shut your borders down and you can contain it domestically, but as soon as you relax restrictions it fires up again. Never thought I’d say this, but I sure miss Brexit!!
If Barnsley aren't playing and losing then I suspect suicide rates might fall. I've often felt like slitting my wrists at 5pm on a Saturday, but not recently.
I don’t believe anybody thought that. The experts are saying these measures will have to last for about 12 months, with them being ‘on’ about half of the time. Allow the virus to spread slowly, close everything down, treat infected, rinse and repeat. Keeps the NHS under capacity
Well we all know that but I think a lot, and I mean a lot, of people believe what he says. When he says that I think millions believe what he says and therefore believes that they can lock themselves away for a few weeks and everything will be ok. In reality it won't which is why I don't think this isolation system is practical in the long run. I honestly don't understand why we aren't focusing on protecting the elderly and vulnerable