They’ve got a national anthem in the other home countries apart from NI I think . It’s specifically for England not GB which is also God Save the Queen,
The Irish National Anthem translates into English is 'The Soldiers Song.' With the DUP policy (shame on them) of supressing the Irish Language in Northern Ireland (It's banned in the schools) the NI Anthem is God save the Queen. The Taffs have Land of my Fathers - (Mae Hen Wlad fy Nhadau) - followed closely by Sospan Fach - the unofficial one. And I think Flower of Scotland is the Scottish Anthem - Ian you can clarify this.
Red Taff flower of Scotland is a song wrote and sung by the Corries back on the late 60s and was unofficially adopted as an alternative to GSTQ. We have had Scotland the Brave also used at Commonwealth Games in the past.
The DUP are an ultra Conservative party with ideologies dating back to the stone age imo. I think there’s an inclusive movement taking place in NI at the moment with both Catholic and Protestant modernists along with others of Indian etc decent . GSTQ is divisive for the reasons I’ve printed imo and we should have an Anthem that everyone one in Blighty can get behind .
when my grandmother was in school in Wales the children were forbidden from speaking Welsh and anyone heard speaking Welsh would have a plaque put round their necks with WN (Welsh Not) on it - it was passed from one child to another if others spoke Welsh and the one who was 'wearing' it at the end of the school day would be caned! I was amazed to read that nowadays the Irish Language is banned in N.Irish schools. Thankfully things are changing in NI.
When I was a kid and living with my parents we went to Rhyl in a couple of occasions for a weeks holiday. In those days hotels were rare and we went to boarding houses which were mainly owned by elderly landladies and you were treat as guests in their homes . I made friends with one of the landladies nephews who had been sent by his parents to help out in the guest house in order to learn English or at least perfect it . He came from a Welsh only speaking town somewhere near Canaerfon and needed to learn English as he wanted to be a Doctor. This was late sixties and his Name was Neil and we kept in touch mainly by letter for years. I think the Irish language is now being taught in NI as part of the two parties ending their standoff and reopening Stormont or at least it’s on the cards.
yes, Caernarfon is the 'Welshiest' town in Wales. Rhyl - brilliant beach but town now very run down. Numbers of Welsh language speakers on the increase - taught in all schools and used on all official papers/meetings etc. My Welsh speaking sister-in-law employed by her mid-Wales Local Authority to teach all the non-Welsh speaking L.A. employees some basic Welsh - a pre-requisite to getting on in their department.