Been self isolating along with my family since Monday. Started with sniffles which lead to a light dry cough and painful throat. By Thursday had congestion in my sinus (which I've suffered with for years) but my chest was horrific. Constantly feeling like you want to cough, chest felt tight and heavy. Nothing of note coming away from my chest. I've taken strong cough medicine, paracetamol (cold and flu) and gone through loads of Vicks, inhaling and rubbing it all over. Finally this evening started to feel better, my chest still tight but an improvement. Think I've strained some muscles from coughing so hard. Only had short periods where I felt feverish. Not sure where I've picked it up from, hardly been anywhere for last 6 weeks.
How old are you, David? Didn't you (can't you) get tested? How long before you will not be able to infect others? Well done on fighting this thing..
You won’t get tested unless you develop severe breathing or other difficulties and need hospitalisation
I've woken up this morning with a throat that feels like someone has taken a belt sander to it. I worked in London for the week 9-15 March so I'm worrying. I have no other symptoms yet. I've only left the house to buy food since Tuesday. Fingers crossed it's 'just' a sore throat and I'm overreacting.
I was in the same boat, was In London 4th-8th, come home on the Sunday and felt woeful, box of flu tablets over the course of a few days and it eased, something I’ve not really experienced over the years though was the loss of taste and smell, read an article yesterday from an ENT specialist who suggested this could also be a symptom of covid-19.
And I don’t really, I’d like to think I’m of good health and fitness and never really taken a day off due to cold/flu like symptoms, if I knew what I know know now then the other week I would’ve stopped in for a week minimum but sadly and this will be the case for many other people is that I thought ‘oh it’s just the annual cold I get’ I’m all for a lockdown sooner rather than later
This whole thing is madness. Hospital staff are only being told to avoid work if we present ALL symptoms. Just a cough and you're o.k to proceed. No wonder people are spreading disease about. Now Doctors are allowed to treat you based on prognosis get ready for a spike in deaths.
Forgot to say I've totally lost my smell, taste (unless I blow my nose, weird) and my hearing comes and goes. Feeling better still today, my chest still rubbish but nowhere near as bad. Had a load of medication last night slept like a log. Weather looks great outside, garden could with it's 1st cut but 1 step at a time.
That's because you use smell to taste. Anyone can hold their nose and eat an onion like it was an apple
Are you safe being on here. Don't want to catch any e-bugs off you. No, hope you get better. Take care.