Can’t blame him for trying to save his own skin with the lie that the virus doesn’t spread in pubs, his Brexit ****** worked pretty well didn’t it?
Martins's view: “I think the sensible balance is for pubs to open but implement social distancing measures in pubs. “I don't think a shut down is sensible policy, it's over the top.” 13,000 dead now in the world, still let's not let a few johnny foreigners dying get in the way of some more profits, eh? Him and O'Leary (CEO of Ruinair) are two truly odious specimens
No - that’s not the case - elderly and those with health problems should isolate themselves - the rest of us should try and keep the economy going. There has to be a balance struck between health and the economy of the country. If not - then we are looking at poverty and the ultimate demise of the NHS for a decade or more.
Quite an unbelievable reply. You do know that thousands of young people have contracted the virus? Anyone infected can infect anyone. Mass gatherings are a breeding ground and all Martin wants to do is collect more cash-he couldn't care less how many die.
He was on radio 2 (before the pub closures) saying that some of his pubs have taken unique measures to combat the virus: one in Enfield, for example, which had put a sign on the door "regulars only" - the idea that if they just keep it to regulars the virus won't spread (perhaps these patrons of Enfield live together in a giant house-share and only walk to the pub and back?). When asked about an employee of Wetherspoons who had written in to say there had been no safeguarding measures in place in the pubs to combat the virus - not even hand sanitizer - he completely side-stepped the question and just rambled about keeping his pubs open. If he can't even provide hand sanitiser/extra hand wash for staff, what chance is there of preventing the spread in his pubs? I find him illogical and self-serving if nothing else.
America, **** yeah! Comin' again to save the mother fuckin' day yeah! America, **** yeah! Freedom is the only way yeah!
So the well worn trope goes. To be fair their science industry, with many others, is well placed to get us out of the ****. Worry is Trumpster might want a shed load of money for the use of the patent. I do wonder about Capitalism though. It was already on very dodgy ground and whatever happens it cannot continue as it has. Hell we've even got a Tory Government paying workers wages at £2500pp a month.
I did think he was in the right when he shot that burglar running away from his farm though. Fair play
Waterstones, putting their workers, families and customers at risk.
I think you are either in denial or ignorant on the virulence of this particular disease. Many younger people can be affected by this virus and not know it because they show no symptoms. Others may be in the early stages and not showing symptoms, but are still carriers. The virus can remain active on a hard surface for 72 hours. Wetherspoons has a plethora of hard surfaces handrails, taps, sinks, bar, tables chairs, glass etc. Many Wetherspoon's clientele are smokers. Do they wash their hands or sanitize before lighting up and putting their hands to their mouth ? I've just had a conversation with a relative who is a microbiologist and leading authority on communicable diseases in Dublin. Fact, if we (everybody that is, not just the vulnerable and elderly) don't practice better personal hygiene and social distancing plus behaving responsibly we are going to be worse off than Italy. The health of the economy is far less important than the health of the nation economy. Behaving responsibly will mitigate the effects of the virus and lessen the impact on the economy. Insisting the infirm and elderly to be responsible whilst the rest carry on as normal is just plain daft.