You all aware of this? My dad messaged me this morning to let me know... I don’t think Sky are promoting it for obvious reasons but you can now pause Sky Sports due to there not being any live Sport (you still have access to all channels for the re-runs etc.) but not get charged on your bill, once the season kicks in again it automatically will then resume billing you. In the mean time though you can save your-self on outgoings You simply call them and follow the automated service or can paid online though your APP took me 30 seconds when I called this morning.
I've been trying to do it online for a few days now and its just not working. Stuck on a revolving circle loading thing. Ive tried at midnight and 6am and still couldnt get it sorted
Call 0800 151 2747, then say ‘cancel Sky Sports’ - it will turn go through the automated service of pausing your cover. I tried online and had the same issue but that worked straight away, took literally 30 seconds....
Disagree It’s on there main page and front page on most social and online pages. They want you to pause. Millions of people were probably thinking about cancelling sky sports and a large number of them probably would have. A large number of those customers may never have come back or gone elsewhere when sport returned now they have kept them Very clever or sneaky of them however you want to put it.
It would have been much better PR for them to automatically pause everyone's sports though, as people have been going nuts about not being able to get through or complete it online.
Went through the motions Scott. Just a little puzzled as to why the only question of any relevance to my account is what's my postcode. Assuming one or 2 more have sky sports on my postcode how is my account recognised. Or were you asked any other questions.
You might have inadvertently answered my question mate. I used my landline which is paid through sky.
I had the same problem with the revolving circle when trying on Chrome on my phone Tried it on the Samsung browser and it worked immediately.
I presume they can’t ? You entered into a contract with them at X price They can’t just change that without your agreement permission Without both agreeing to different terms of contract When you pause sky sports it seems to me your changing your contract with them and buying into a new diffrent one.
They could have just discounted the price of sport from everyones package and left it on for them to watch the reruns ect. I'm sure they can apply discount without you agreeing. Some people won't pause so that will save them some money. I'm with Virgin they didn't even give that option so I just cancelled it.
My question for this is. I have a deal at moment £40 for everything except movies including multi room If a pause my sky sports for 3 months. Will it then be out of sync with rest of my sky package and will I end up paying a bit extra the others stuff for 3 months. I’m just leaving mine as I know sky will find some way of ripping me off with this