My other half's 11 year old daughter has been set 4 x 20 min pieces of work per day until Easter. It is virtually nothing. Not knocking the teachers as theyve had very little time to sort this, but it will impact on learning.
Bear in mind things will take longer to do at home. Better to start off with a manageable amount and then build it up
For starters, I don't live with her. And second, I'll be helping to keep the NHS ticking away. So wind your neck in.
I've chalked **** on home schooling, I'll be playing football with him all week in the hope he makes it. If he doesnt he can always sign for Donny Rovers.
Sorry Titus . On a positive note. To combat the struggle of NHS workers to get provisions why don't you suggest to the " powers that be " that the Hospitals organise deliveries to your place of work . Therefore avoiding a stressful shopping trip and avoiding the unwashed masses .
He comes across as someone who is very conscious of his own voice-performance - to me that means he sounds really insincere - more news reader than conscientious politician - funny how people see/hear things differently
No problem. I'm one of the lucky ones at the moment, I can deliver care via telephone and video call. There are contingency plans in place though if things escalate whereby I may be required to go back on the psychiatric wards/ CPN to cover sickness, or alternatively if it gets even worse, nurse on general hospital wards (the highest alert level). We shall see. It is looking likely in my opinion but more than happy to do my bit for my fellow nurses.
Nice chap that Cummins. According to the Sunday Times report, the key moment came on 12 March when a group of government experts gathered to examine modelling of the spread of the virus carried out by academics at Imperial College London and elsewhere. This predicted that if no action was taken more than half a million people would die, and that even some limited mitigation efforts would only halve this. The Sunday Times report said this changed the mind of Cummings, who before had been an adherent of the herd immunity idea. After the 12 March meeting, Cummings changed his view and became one of the strongest advocates in government for tough restrictions to curb the spread of the virus, the Sunday Times said. It quoted one anonymous senior Conservative as saying: “He’s gone from ‘herd immunity and let the old people die’ to ‘let’s shut down the country and the economy’.” The Downing Street spokesman said: “This is a highly defamatory fabrication which was not put to No 10 by the Sunday Times before publication. The article also includes a series of apparent quotes from meetings which are invented.”
Just read this whole thread from start to finish. Rishi Sunak can speak well but that doesn’t make him a good politician. Look at his voting history for starters, he’s no different to the majority of Tories. He couldn’t care less about the working class. And he won’t ever be PM. First off the Tories would never have a Muslim, Hindu or anyone black or mixed race as their leader & secondly he wouldn’t get elected if they did for the same reason. It took them 10 days to take any action despite experts telling them they should & every other Western European country taking far more drastic measures to limit the number of deaths. Ultimately Boris Johnson will be responsible for thousands of deaths of British people because he took far too long to react. Thousands mixing at Cheltenham, packed pubs, packed trains & tube, huge queues outside supermarkets, self-employed still having to work. That’s all on him & his government.
We lost 12 days of preparations due to this crazy notion of getting folk immune without a vaccine. Cummings' a very dangerous and unqualified individual. He's extremely good at causing damage and confusion but lacks any skills for bringing people together in a positive way.
I’m not saying you’re wrong, but prior to 1975 many would have said the same thing about a female leader.
I've read this thread through from start to finish. There are some very articulate views from both sides of the argument and it is fascinating to read. It is what makes the BBS different to other forums. I can't pretend to be in any way as well read on the subject as others, I just have my gut feeling views based on nothing more than ignorance. For what it is worth, my view is largely aligned with Jay's, but I accept that in reality, whether it is right or wrong, people power holds sway and the government, even if knows it is wrong, has no choice but to largely follow the same path as others and enforce the measures we are seeing. To not do so would lead to widespread social backlash. However, I also strongly believe that these measures are going to be catastrophic for the economy and are not sustainable for more than a few weeks. They are also going to be very damaging for people's general mental well being. Within a short period of time people's attitudes to risk will change through apathy and through a realisation that we have to protect what's left of our lives and the economy. There is no good outcome to this and we ultimately have to just do our best.
The section of self employed that have been scamming the system for years claiming thousands in tax back, will they claim their "normal" salary or the one that they have put on their self assessment when they're getting their monthly salaries paid?
This debate about freezing rent and storing up a large bill at the end of it is interesting because... ENEL (Electricity suppliers) suspended all payments in November 2016 in affected regions because of the Earthquakes. We have not had a bill since then. When the bills do start to arrive they will be around 35% less than normal as the tax and all the normal supply costs are removed and you only pay for the amount used. Nevertheless our bill (as a guesstimate) will be around 3k euros. You can pay the amount over 36 months interest free and they add it to the normal monthly bills. The TV licence is also included in the electricity bills and no one knows if they are written off or suspended So that would be another 400 euros on top. Now WE have not put money aside but have sufficient income to manage and could pay it in one lump particularly now it looks like planned trips/holidays/ meal out are off for the forseable future. However, many people, particularly those whose houses were declared 'inagibile' especially those where the home was also their workplace may not be so lucky . Many had to rent alternative property (albeit Govt subsidised the rent for most people but it is still an extra cost. they would not normally have had especially as many lost possessions and furniture so had to replace that Many will not have/not been able to put any money to one side and would struggle to pay the back log anyway but now with the Coronavirus they will be eroding what savings they may have had. The latest information is that the issuing of the consolidation bills may now be deferred for another year! The problem is (we use online billing) you cannot view any of the old bills or get any idea of how much you owe. The meters are like many other things in Italy complex and incomprehensible to read (we have three tariffs for different days/times of day all priced differently per Kw/h) so have no idea what the cost per unit is and no one can tell us.