My son has an appointment this coming week in Wakefield. He phoned the practice to be told that they were open for business as usual.
Probably will be. I had an appointment last Monday and got told it's fine as long as you have no signs of the virus.
Mine was cancelled told me they are only doing emergency appointments. They are a private practice so not sure what the NHS ones are doing.
Hang on a minute, give me your dentist name, and I'll pop along for you from my enforced isolation and ask, them up reply to you on here. Ok? Old maybe you could actually contact them yourself instead of posting idiotic questions like this...
hb Not needed. Guidance now asks dentists to provide only essential treatment and to avoid as much as possible creating an aerosol. Thanks for posting George since the BBS often will have people on the site who can disseminate info.
No ,there shut ,wife works at one and from this morning they are getting laid off only one dentist and a nurse if needed .emergency appointments only
Last communication from mine was they are still working but that was last week - I have a routine appointment next week but expect its likely to be cancelled by then as its really not going to be a problem to delay it for a few weeks
As there is no official NHS guidance for us beyond "use your clinical judgement", here's what most practices are doing: Not seeing patients over 70 or with underlying health conditions. Cancelling routine appointments Retaining normal opening hours but only seeing emergencies (severe pain, swelling, severe physical trauma to the mouth), not painless broken teeth, loose filings etc Avoidance of aerosol generating procedures where possible eg drilling, powered scaling You will not be seen if you have had Coronavirus symptoms in the last 14 days, are or someone in your household is self isolating and you will be asked to contact the practice if you develop said symptoms within 7 days. However 2 practices in Barnsley have closed altogether due to utter knob heads breaking in to steal all the hand sanitiser and PPE (gloves, face masks etc) Those who won't be seen should speak to 111 for advice as centres are being set up to see them.