A request not to leave your house unless unless you *need* to go to work, exercise or travel for essential goods.
at Birmingham International where I work all the shops on our concourse are in the process of closing, all the shows and concerts at the NEC have been cancelled til end of May,unfortunetely we still have the random DGAF person that travels because they think they are above the law so next few days gonna be interesting, our station footfall as gone down probably about 60% in the last few weeks
"After weeks of being reluctant to copy draconian measures seen elsewhere in Europe, Johnson announced the plan having come under pressure from his own cabinet and Tory backbenchers as well as Labour."
I think you are right. They will be queueing up to get in and clear the shelves. I won't join them....I went for a nice walk by myself today, but I shall stop home tomorrow
Unfortunately it will be 3 weeks before we see any drop in infections and deaths as a result of this measure.
Absolutely gutted. It is totally necessary, but im gutted. Not going to see my 8 year old little girl or other half for at least three weeks now.
I can’t relieve this you’ve just spent an hour arguing opposite http://barnsleyfc.org.uk/threads/here’s-a-test-for-you.289822/page-7#post-2446283
Think essential means those working in food production, the delivery of it and staff to stock and sell it: plus other essential items. Also emergency service workers plus those working in the healthcare sector in any capacity.
I don’t believe that’s what he was saying, but it could be interpreted that way. I believe the going to work when absolutely necessary was in reference to those not being able to work from home
It wasn't clear whether "essential" attached to the nature of the job, or the need to travel to do the job regardless of importance
Yes but he didn't say essential work. He said if travelling to and from work was absolutely necessary and couldn't be done from home which I took to mean if the travelling part was necessary rather than if your job was
That’s the problem with this Berk nobody knows what the fek he’s saying , it’s like he’s having to say things that’s got two meanings all the time .
Have you by any chance said that you believe a lock down is correct because the public weren't intelligent enough to follow his strong advice previously?
I havnt understood ??? Crikey Mario it’s there in black and white wtf I’ve been arguing all along he should have done this earlier and you’ve defended him .
I could work tomorrow in a property with no one in, I dont think I'm going to bother even though I wouldnt encounter anyone on my way in. Drive on my own enter, do my work go home. Do you think I'm okay or is that frowned upon?