If you didn't go shopping again, how long could you stay at home for until your vital supplies ran out? I've just totted up our vital supplies, and it works out at 12 days in total. 7 red, 2 white, 3 sparkling.
Once I've got rid of this nasty virus I've got a bottle of rum, 12 bottles of ale and a rather nice bottle plonk of along with some cheese and biscuits. Can't wait......keeping eyes on the prize.
We have 15 arriving from Majestic today, not a panic buy, it’s something we do a few times a year if we can’t get to one of their events. theres 11 already in the rack but 4 of those are fizz for special occasions.
I got 10 beers on Friday thinking it should last me a couple weeks. Didn't even last the weekend, and none of the local breweries seem to deliver. Got plenty of gin though...
I thought I'd bought a lot of booze on Friday, but by Saturday morning it was clear that I'd made a catastrophic underestimation, even allowing for the fact that we only drink at weekends. I reckon on current supplies we've got enough food in to be eating tasty meals for about three weeks maximum, and then another fortnight of stuff that is not so appetising, but will definitely keep you alive. I have a very large spice collection, so that partnered with cans of tomatoes, beans, lentils and coconut milk plus rice will go on making vegetable chilli and curry for a good while. With regards to booze - good wine and craft beer for a fortnight, then another fortnight's worth of passable supermarket beer. Then I'd be on to the spirits. I very rarely drink spirits, but often get very good bottles bought by clients as presents. I've actually probably got more than a lifetime's supply of American whiskey, but if things go really pear shaped even those stocks might get severely tested!
Probably about a week at best. Historically I buy only what we need for a week. I will only buy enough perishable food for the meals I would be making that week so very little wastage normally. Haven't done a big shop either since all this started. May need to re-think my strategy I guess. I've noticed asda is open in the morning 7-8 for nhs staff so being off I will nip down and have a look. Hate spending money so it'll be a 50£ max job.
We have enough food in the freezer/tinned for 14 days quarantine. No more, no less. 14 days worth of healthy(ish) meals
We are OK for food for about 10 days - though need a top up of milk and bread before the weekend Have an order for bread in at our local Bakery to pick up on Friday so hoping that works as planned. We have enough wine to keep us going for a bit longer probably 3 -4 weeks if we also crack open the good stuff kept for special occasions - beer only a few days supply. Do off licences count as essential food shops?
We do have an emergency though - our tea pot cracked over the weekend. Have ordered a new one online but not sure if shop will be fulfilling internet orders if its closed and the staff are staying at home
I'd check BrewDog Leicester and see if they're one of the sites doing deliveries through the BrewDog Hop Drop App. Loads of breweries doing free delivery though, or giving you a discount that pretty much makes deliveries free. Thornbridge is the best one at the moment as it's free delivery over £20 but 20% off with 'FRIENDS20' as the promo code, but North Brew Co, Marble, Duration, Roosters, Salt, Deya, are all doing orders online. Plus, I think, bottleshops such as Beer Ritz and New Wave have deals on. If you want local, I think Oakham have an online shop. Not quite Leicester though.
We drink so infrequently we genuinely have a list of things we have to drink before they go off. By the end of May we have to drink 4x bottles of Heineken, 4x bottles of Old Mout cider and 3x bottles of Maltsmiths (that no one likes). I’m presuming bottles of spirits last forever as I’ve a bottle of vodka and a bottle of Barcardi I’ve had 12 years and a bottle of Sambucca I’ve had 10 years. The only reason we have the beer and cider in is because one of the groceries apps I use gives away tons of free alcohol in the 12 days before Christmas and as my husband has the app too we get twice as much. It should be illegal really to give it away free like it is in Scotland as it’s the only reason we drink at all - I know I could not get it but I do love a freebie! I collected about 50 600ml bottles of Maltsmiths just because it was free even though we can’t stand the stuff. We gave it all away bar 4 bottles and now I’m wishing we’d given those away too. (Edit: to be clear the Maltsmiths was over about a year and a half of it keep coming back on the app for a free bottle each which I gave to a colleague, we didn’t go and clear 50 out at once).
We only drink spirits, so we don't have a problem there. We also drink very infrequently. We have loads of huge bottles of stuff like vodka, rum, gin, tequila, cointreau, amaretto, whisky. pretty sure none of it goes off.
Which bit mate, I was at University in Leicester. How's it going down there? Would imagine its changed a lot since the mid eighties. My recollection is that they were all angry drivers!!
Got about 600 bottles of wine in the "cellar" so we should be ok for a little while. We've enough food in the freezers and larder to keep us going until around 2022 (old produce and stock, nothing bought during the virus outbreak), then after that I'm going to have to learn to fish to supplement the vegetable harvest. Although if it lasts that long I suspect what I'll actually need is a gun. I've also been toying with the idea of, er, borrowing a cow. How long is a cow? Would one fit in the back of a short wheelbase crew-cab transit? I don't want to have to fix it to the roof-rack as that might attract the attention of the gendarmes.