This is almost certainly going on, and it makes me angry We are using our food in strict order to ensure nothing goes off and freezing anything we dont plan to use immediately but later in the week. I also havent bought significantly more fresh food than a normal week - just a couple of extra things so I can stretch the time between shop visits if everyone did the same the supermarkets would have plenty of stock
First of all do you believe Sue is a reliable source of information - "Quote from a refuse collector" REALLY? Also - of course there is more food waste at home - more people are working from home - kids are off school - restaurants are closed etc etc etc. At least 30% more meals at home I would guess - so unless this element can also be accounted for how can we get excited. "some of it" still in wrappers. Right then that's a conclusive statistic to implement national rationing program - but we also know t'was ever the case. We're constantly throwing away celery still in the wrapper - cos you can't buy 1 stick of celery. What makes me angry is how people believe any old sh!te they read.
No need to get quite so upset. I have no idea whether Sue is reliable or not but for certain there has been a lot more food bought in the last couple of weeks. I think the government stated £1billion more than normal though I dont have a link handy. Some will doubtless be due to people working at home and also not going to pubs restaurants etc - I know its not a trivial task to divert the hospitality food supplies to the public. I have been unable to buy veg for example at my local supermarket. Thats why I said its almost certainly going on. maybe a council or 2 might publish their figures for confirmation or otherwise. Our food waste has actually gone down as we are being really careful now to ensure we dont waste anything so its only bones tea bags and peelings etc in there
Use by / sell by dates. Have you strictly adhered to these in the past? Are you still? I’m from a generation when you used to use your senses to decide what was ok to consume or not. However about 20 years ago I realised that there was a generation growing up who were convinced that things would overnight become deadly once past the said date. No matter what I said to one lad at work I could not convince him otherwise. Makes you wonder how we ever got beyond the cave man stage
There was a lady on TV last week from a charity set up to help people who can’t get out. She said people who had been bulk buying were donating as the product would go to waste. I have to admit I had to chuckle that the people being selfish by bulk buying were then having to give it away.
This rang very true in our household Had a similar conversation with a half used packet of penne found at the back of the cupboard at the weekend - it was fine - it had a best before date May 2017 but not sure how dried pasta can go off really as long as its kept dry
We’ve resisted the urge to stockpile, local butcher opens at 6 for meat and eggs, Morrison's bakery has bread, petrol station has milk. Its stuff like washing powder,dishwasher tablets and bleach we cant get. And if we dont get some bog roll soon I’ll be joining the dog dragging my arse down the back lawn
I've changed the timing of my morning shower from when I fall out of bed to a bit later so it can be straight after the morning dump removing the need for bog roll at that time. Might well keep that approach when things get a bit more under control as I am sure its more hygienic.
I agree - there is no need to get upset - it's not going on - it shouldn't make you angry If we all maintain a sense of pragmatic optimism and common sense and think about the headline rather then believe it everything will be alright. the 1 Billion was household shopping. Toilet paper last time I checked didn't have a use-by date.
Generally, people are reporting Supermarkets in Wakefield are well stocked, and keeping people at social distancing rules. It will be interesting in another week or 2 when all those horders run out of food again, will we see another wave of panic buying? Or have people got the message?
Which particular message are you referring to The one that says don't stock up only buy what you need. Or the one that says stock up and shop as little as possible. Because I'll tell you what is feckgin stupid - telling people to stock up and interact as little as possible then stopping them from doing exactly that by restricting people from buying more than 3 tins of soup. If you really like soup - and have a big family - whats the point of stopping people buying more than 3 tins of soup FFS **** you not - Nurse in Morrisons today was told she could not have more than 3 tins of soup. (not 3 tins of tomato soup - three different tins of soup) She was told to either bring a friend (more social contact more risk of contamination - doesn't stop hoarding) or come again tomorrow( more social contact contrary to govt advice of shopping infrequently.) Fe3ckng stupidity of the highest order. Fair play to the girl she left them with a trolley full of shopping to put back on the shelves.