City Centre, and the drivers are still as bad as ever - some **** doing 70 in a 30 ended up wiping out my car only last year! It's an ok place to live, some decent pubs and eateries but I can't see me settling down here.
Cheers, appreciated. I never even thought of brewdog but that could be a shout. Oakham is near enough so I will be visiting their online shop later should it still be open.
We've got lots of squirrels in our garden. They are beginning to look rather tasty. However, we all know what happened when people started eating bats. Allegedly.
I'm in Russia. No lockdown here yet, but working mostly from home. I envisage lockdown in Moscow and St Petersburg in a week or two though. Still a reasonable amount of stuff left in the shops.
Went to Dodworth Co-Op this morning. Twelve oranges and a bottle of gin. Other than that we are sorted.
Recently bought some shares in Brewdog (yeah.... I know ) so trying to keep 'em afloat by ordering a bucket load of their gear. Still get my 20% off at the moment - although thought they'd suspended that. Should be sorted for the weekend.....
27 bottles of wine and Champagne. 1 bottle of Gin, but only 1 bottle of tonic. 1 bottle of Port. 1 bottle of Cognac. 12 NZ pies in transit. So, about a week then.