They were asked by management to self isolate for one of three reasons; 1. They have symptoms relating to Coronavirus. 2. They have a pre-existing condition. 3. They live with someone who has a pre-existing condition. It isn't a stretch to see why 75% of around 15 people would fall into one of those catagories, especially when you take into account that to drive a bin wagon you need a class 1, most people with class 1's are predominantly 40+ years old and so are much more likely to have or live with someone who has a pre-existing condition. Couple all this with the fact that the bin teams travel around in threes in the cab, hardly following the government guidelines for social distancing.
Bin day is the highlight of my week, I love how we play “whose driveway will my bin end up outside of today?” BMBC please don’t take that away from me.
You were lucky as they’ve suspended emptying garden bins until further notice and that was from Tuesday morning, we missed out but lad emptying waste bin was running about like a blue arsed fly
I wonder how many miles a bin man walks in a day and what the total amount of rubbish each man shifts. Probably work harder for a pittance than most people do.
There will be a target for what you describe Euroman. When I worked at Donny Council the lads there were time studied for an incentive bonus scheme. Having said that, a number of Councils refuse services were privatised so I don't know if that practice has continued.
Av heard that Council are trying to get in touch wi Mike Harding to see if he wants to come back as a volunteer.
Our recycling bins were emptied today despite it not being the day for it - meant to be Monday 30th. It caught the whole street by surprise and everyone was running out to get theirs emptied as they they tend to always be full due to the infrequent emptying so you definitely don’t want to miss it (recycling is once a month, normal is every week which seems backwards to me).
Ours not been today , not overly bothered as it’s only the paper one for us this week and that can go in compost if needed but all the same need grey one doing .
Not sure what colours corresponds to which bin in different areas. We have: Black/Grey (general waste), Green (recycling - card/paper, plastic - types 1, 2, 4 and 5 and tins) and Brown (garden waste). They've stopped the garden waste bin collections for now.
Ours is grey general, blue paper / cardboard , brown glass tins plastic . Green garden waste . It was blue and green today but didn’t bother with green as I’d heard they weren’t collecting . Just out blue one out and it’s still there uncared for .
Cheers Helen , it’s no hardship pulling them up and down if they don’t come in fact tbh it’s a good bit if outdoor exercise .