Really? Well my thoughts lie with all those who have suffered through his and his governments actions. He never gave a toss about anyone bar himself. How many people have died through his actions? Well what goes around comes around.
Except it so often doesn't and he ll come out of it just fine. I couldn't wish death on anyone but I think there will be people who suffer far more than he will who have cared more and hurt less people.
Whatever you think of him, his party, his policies and his leadership style needs putting to one side. The man is charged with dragging us through the most challenging time in years. It’s a health crisis potentially leading to a financial crisis and without leadership (regardless of what colour tie and rosette he wears) we are going to be right royally f**ked!!!
I just popped on here to see how many nasty comments had been made about this situation. True to form a section of this "community" didn't fail to disappoint.
Funny he's got tested, but my missus working in a hospital dealing with this, has not. Good luck to him. Hope anyone who is ill can recover.
Helen I never wished death on him only hoped he suffered. Bit of a difference. He has imposed so much misery on so many people.
Anybody wishing any other human an illness IMO are beyond pathetic. We all have political differences but there is a line to be drawn. Display the same human kindness you berate others for seemingly not having.
I know I said it the other day but the BBS is getting out of hand with horrible comments at a time when people are struggling to cope with uncertainty around jobs, seeing loved ones etc... give it a ******* rest for a few weeks and think of others ffs!!!!
He hasn’t done a good job of leading us through this so far though has he ? China begged him to close the borders and curtail travel in January he didn’t . Italy begged him to close borders and curtail travel in February and he didn’t . His actions have brought this disease on to lots of our people who didn’t deserve it by his inaction . And I’ve said times many that first budget in response to our situation was shameful.
I’m not judging him on the job he has done or is doing. The simple fact is that it is his job to carry us through this. Labour, Conservative, whatever, with a bed bound leader, we stand to be up the creek without a paddle. Political persuasion not relevant right now.
Don’t worry about that there’s very good leaders in all our party’s . Maybe a coalition of the best people from all party’s is what’s needed as I wartime . Let’s not forget Churchill wasn’t elected in the war but he was better than the nincompoop who was .
what an absolute load of odious bo11ocks, you really have a downer on england and democracy. love him or hate him its a poison chalice he's got, no one in the world has had to deal with this and every govt irespective of politics is trying to do their best in the dark with best guess scenarios what would wee nippy ( wouldnt suprise me if it was her that set salmond up) or comrade corbyn have done different with the facts/opinions they had at the time ????, all you are doing is being anti tory, YOU bring nothing to the table only lies, and alarm and dispondency
I agree that he has Ian.My positive thoughts are for the staff and families who will inevitably lose their lives , like the 69 year old doctor in the news today, fighting this.
As I said in another thread, I think it came about due to one of his colleagues ( Nadine Dorries) being confirmed as having the virus and she had been to meetings at Downing Street. As a result, I would think that a number of senior figures in the Government could well have been tested simply as a precaution. If it gets to the point that Boris can't do his duties, Dominic Raab will cover, so its odds on he will have been tested I would think.