A friend's son has come down with it whilst working in Italy. He's 29 years old and a fit 19st, 6 foot 5 inch university rower...he's been dreadfully ill for over ten days...this is not trivial even for those outside the pre existing conditions and elderly.
There was a discussion on TV earlier about whether there are actually 2 strains of the virus, one causes relatively mild symptoms whilst the other is routinely killing people. We can only let the experts crack on with their brilliant work and keep ourselves and others safe by doing the minimum the government have asked. We are not glove puppets, only doing exactly as instructed. If everyone tries to go one stage further in terms of isolation, the better. I had to go to the shop for food the other day, otherwise not left the confines of my property or come into contact with anyone outside my household family members. Nearly watched everything on Netflix Haha, thank god we moved on from dial up tinterweb.
The virus, like the flu, will cause different symptoms in different people. As linked before on here, 40% (iirc) of people can have flu at any one time and not even know. Statistically young people will die, but in very small numbers compared to the rest of society. The issue is that you wont actually know until you get it. That said it's why everyone should be doing their bit to make sure they dont spread it to someone who might be unlucky enough not to recover.
I have heard the theory that really excessive exercise can be quite bad for you regards coronavirus . Why ? Because numerous deep breaths allows the virus to get further into your lungs thus making the situation worse when it starts to gestate . You might see a fair few gym goers / joggers fall critically ill due to this .
I dont think that's true. All the footballers that have had it have had it mildly. And the boffs would be warning us of not exercising
I’ve got something and don’t know what the hell it is - feeling ok most of the time but over last 4 or 5 days keep getting headaches with dizziness and feeling a bit weak. For what I’ve read these are not the symptoms of coronavirus.
Fair enough . It's just that there is a trend emerging. Serious cases seem to occur when the virus succeeds to reach lower/deep respiratory tract. Coughing may even exacerbate it as your taking deep breaths beforehand . Do remember coronavirus is a common bug , you will have caught it many times before it's just that this particular strain acts differently to other strains .
Headaches, dizziness and fatigue are listed as some of the other less common symptoms. However it's not clear whether they are usually or overwhelmingly present along with the major symptoms, or whether having them on their own is also possibly/likely to be the virus. The issue is that the mild symptoms are sometimes so mild that it's impossible to tell without a test. I've read that one guy who'd previously had severe bronchitis and been laid up in bed, but when he had coroniavirus (tested positive) he found it no bother at all. My daughter some 4 weeks ago (or more) went to a trampoline centre during half term. 3 days later she came down with a temperature and sickness. A couple of days after that she was fine and dandy. 4 days after she'd recovered both my wife and I (within an hour of each other) had the same symptoms, except i had the runs, which for me is really unusual. My wife had hot flashes, dizziness, sore throat. We both felt really really drained one minute and ok the next. My daughter then developed a cough and then my wife got the same thing. She ended up with the GP visiting in full mask and apron and had antibiotics and steroids. They seemed to help, but 2 weeks later she's still coughing occasionally. All of our symptoms are coronavirus listed, albeit the less common ones. Chances are it wasn't anything but some nasty kid virus from a tramponine centre - but who knows?!
It depends Helen . Lots of people can have relatively rare lung conditions without even realising . Combine that with this strain of Corona and it can be deadly . For example .... https://rarediseases.org/rare-diseases/nontuberculous-mycobacterial-lung-disease/
I've had a lingering headache for 9 days, but not had any other symptoms. I tend to be susceptible to respiratory infections and have asthma so I doubt I have it. I haven't seen anyone since Sunday and nobody I know has symptoms. Probably unrelated but without a test I have no idea.
Get 111 called Nudge. They'll be able to tell you if they think it could be coronavirus and if not they'll be able to tell you whether they think it's something you don't need to worry about or something you should get checked out. Doesn't hurt to call them right?