Agree MF. Having to attend meetings and visit places like Hospitals where Covid 19 sufferers are being treated, has got to have put him at risk. Saw Dr Scott Miller ( star of Vets on the Hill TV show) on breakfast TV the other morning. He reckoned that a number of animal species carry some type of Covid virus. The " 19" in its title means that this current strain first came to prominence in 2019. As some have said on this board previously, this current pandemic spread mainly because of the Chinese peoples tendency to eat animals like Pangolins, although it can't be said that this particular strain definitely started in China.
He's not lying . The truth is the majority of diseases come from animals and I'm sure those said animals catch bugs from us . TB from cattle , flu from pigs etc etc the list goes on . I'm afraid our co existence with animals is not a natural one hence the cross contamination .