Definitely longer than the initial 3 weeks and beyond the 30th April provisional start date for football. Could be 6 months unless scientists come up with a vaccine pdq
I reckon 12 weeks but there may be some slight relaxations after 6 or so weeks, maybe allowing small group meetings. I’m only guessing though just like everyone else. I do think though that we’ll dip in and out of lockdown for the next 18 months or so.
12 weeks minimum. A lot of social distancing rules still in place afterwards & maybe special measures for Central London & other hotspots. Until a vaccine is in place it is pretty difficult to see things going back to normal.
BBC News - Coronavirus cradle Wuhan partly reopens after lockdown
If it's extended much then the deaths from this will be much much higher than the deaths than the deaths from the virus itself. There is already evidence to suggest that everyone's life expectancy is reduced by a minimum of 3 months due to an economic recession. Add that to the early deaths from the additional stress of a lockdown, the lack of fitness brought on by a lockdown, the lack of proper nutrition and then the mental health aspects and the death toll will be enormous.
Add to that the people who under normal circumstances would have received life saving treatment from the NHS. My mother in law was due for a cancer operation at Barnsley Hospital next week. Now it's cancelled.
Depends because China are already worried about a second wave..... People aren't taking the lock down serious enough so it wouldn't be a surprise to see pubs still shut all through the summer.
It will ultimately depend on the results of testing when that becomes more widespread. If the numbers of infected continue to grow then eventually social distancing becomes pointless. So we are kind of in a situation where the less successful we are stopping the spread the quicker things are over.
I’ve genuinely no idea but am sure it will be more than 3 weeks maybe some form of relaxation in a couple of months but I don’t see things returning to normal for at least a year a lot depends on whether a quick reliable test becomes available or a vaccine is produced. If I was to guess there may be some relaxations in June but lockdown brought back in October
A long, long time, judging by public opinion. Certainly long enough to ensure there won’t be anywhere in the entertainment industry left to go by the time it’s allowed.