The 2 + 2 = 55 snitching brigade are beginning to annoy me more than the people who are being gormless and careless. You don't know a person's circumstances. I have to go out every day because we both have elderly parents, one of which we had to care for every day before this even happened.
My parents are both in 80s, diabetic and suffer from asthma. My dad also has cancer. Under the new guidelines i cannot go and see them, hence care for them. But I'll tell them you are thinking about them next time i ring them
I would but a) i am not supposed to get within 2 metres and oh yeah b) he's constantly going out in his car
I'm not saying you should talk to him, I'm saying it's preferable to reporting him. If he goes out a lot it gives plenty of opportunity and I've never had trouble communicating from over 2 metres away. If you don't want to talk to him there's no reason that you should, but it might stop you feeling angry about the situation and it's a way better option than reporting him.
This. You should always first get the facts, Could be well out of order, or could be OK. The number of times someone leaves the house is not the big issue. It is keeping social distancing & staying local & washing your hands, wearing gloves, etc that is the key. I try and go out once a day, walk a key worker's dogs, do some shopping for elderly neighbours, etc, but that may not be the case for some people. Not sure when the app is up & running how the Good Sam scheme will work. Would be terrible for people volunteering to be scapegoated. Let's not go all Nazi Germany yet please. No offence to the OP, as he may well be right, but speak first.
Those guidelines confuse me. How is a public gathering of two people allowed if I'm not allowed to be with people in the first place?
How can i ask a neighbour. Theyve got to stop two meters away. And theyve their own dogs to walk. Standing on a field on my own for half hour/45 minutes couple of times a day while the dog runs after his ball like a ******** or walking him around the footpaths until i can let him off to run. Which am i likely to have closer social contact with? I could take him on a long walk tomorrow. A good five or six miles. Would take me about 3 hours. Is that allowed? Everything is not quite as black and white as it seems. Nor is the actual legistlation... All of a sudden as weve drifted towards this authoritarian state common sense has seemingly vanished out the door to be replaced by curtain twitching and grassing.
'Excuse me love i know you are knackered being a Ward sister with this Covid 19 stuff but just incase i get spotted by some eagle eyed curtain twitcher stood on my own at half six on a morning then again this evening do you mind taking my dog out with yours' 'Excuse me love, i know you are busy at work with making medical supplies and your other half shouldnt be going out but at some point during your busy day when you take your dogs out can you take mine just so the estate stasi dont report me' Yeah easier said than done. Like i said. Its not black and white with many grey areas where some common sense is required. If some still remain.