I wonder how many will Make it through this crisis, it was sad enough before with quite a few going to the wall.
The big chains will be OK, the likes of Greene King, Enterprise Inns, etc Their managers will be paid the 80% grant from the government & all casual staff laid off. Independents will largely be ******.
I genuinely believe that a vast vast number of businesses will close across many sectors with unemployment levels that haven't been seen in any of our lifetimes. Record levels of homelessness and record levels of suicide
Just being honest about the mental implications of locking people up and the human cost of killing the economy. Is it any better to bury your head in the sand about the lives that will be ended early because of decisions made than it is to bury your head in the sand about lives ended early because of decisions not made?
I don't know why the pubs can't re-open and introduce social distancing like the supermarkets. Pubs are an ESSENTIAL part of our lives(mine anyway). There would be bigger queues than Morrisons and id be in it .
That is my major concern as well. Starting to see isolated incidents of revolt against the measures already in Italy with scenes of a Lidl being ransacked last night. It remains to be seen just how long we can keep this up for before people decide the cure is indeed worse than the disease.
you could well be right there ST,Many businesses live week to week,especially cash dependent one like pubs,market traders.florists ,in fact everything else barring the ones we see currently open,ie,food shops and chemists...These businesses i've reffered to are all retail and dont take into account service and trades businesses that have had to stop doing business over night. I personally believe that many of these businesses will cease and fold as a result of this pandemic situation, My business is still trading(convenience store) but the problem we have is getting hold of stock,there hasn't been any groceries(tinned,packet,dried,frozen etc) for two weeks now and other stock(booze,cigs,confec' etc) is being severly limited on availability and the amount we are allowed to purchase.So whilst still trading we are struggling.
The death toll as a result of job losses and other associated factors resulting from these enforced measures will far eclipse the death toll from coronavirus imo. At least we have finally answered the trolley problem that has been posed for years. The government (and many more) will willingly divert the trolley into the path of others. Mainly because it is less damaging politically to be seen to be doing something even if it's the wrong thing
It honestly depends when the lockdown softens. Anytime after June and we are all ******. There’s no money left in the kitty. Small retail, pubs, cafes regardless if they are chain, individually owned or franchise will be folding left right and centre. This will have a knock on effect up the supply chain.
Thank you for your opinion. My opinion is that I disagree. Many more people may kill themselves/lose jobs/etc if 80% of the population are struck down by this, and the resultant 500,000 deaths of family members, friends and business owners. So there we have it two different opinions. I know for me I’d rather try and do something....
Can’t see it being that bad tbh , they’re hibernating and almost everyone’s in the same boat it’s not as if they are folding because of competition and lose their foothold on the market imo
The problem is there seems to be an all or nothing argument. Either do nothing and stand by watching the elderly die or lock everyone up. There is a middle ground and imo that's what should have been done, it's the one which has least number of death overall. It is however also the one that costs most votes.
There already was a middle ground though. Enforced isolation of those identified as vulnerable. Sure that would still have left some people sadly dying who hadn't been identified as vulnerable but those numbers would be significantly smaller than the number if you do nothing and the number from a total lockdown. That middle ground would have cost so many votes though as the vulnerable tend to be more engaged voters and would feel targeted. Essentially they were asked to isolate and said not unless I take everyone with me.