Doesn't mean he's wrong like, it's a news article like all others.
Ideally everywhere would have no new cases for at least 21 days after 0 cases are reported, then the lockdown can be removed. And by 'everywhere' I mean the entire planet. I suspect there will be a lot of pressure from big business to remove the lockdown ASAP.
Yeah well my wife spent a 12 hour shift in PPE at Pinderfields last light with her job, so I’m well aware of that. And I’m still working from home while my daughter is being made to go to her office - which is a joke given her job, tbh.
Couple of interesting reading articles if people have got nothing on !
We are still allowing people from places like China and Italy to come in to the country so our own government aren't taking it seriously.
There’s 60 cases in Wakefield, maybe 6 in isolation at pinderfields waiting for results and on the floor for confirmed cases “it’s not busy”. I guess that shutdown is needed but let’s not pretend There is a nationwide crises currently.
I wasnt having a dig just a light hearted comment. Yes it's pathetic some of the work places that remain open. ASOS been the main culprit around here.
ASOS employs many foreign workers on zero hour contracts who will not be eligible for any of the government initiatives that have recently been announced. They have no way home. Closing ASOS and other businesses with this demographic may bring about social problems that eclipse the medical problems of Covid-19. I wish life was simple but it isn't.
Why would they not be eligible? I thought it was anyone who was in employment in Feb could be furloughed? Zero hour workers can be paid too. I know that thanks to our Tory friends this has been left at the discretion of the employers though. I could be wrong I'll be honest I haven't looked into the details of it because it doesn't impact me.
Is this happening? I don't know so it's a genuine question. I thought all flights had been stopped to and from certain countries. Are the flights coming from these 2 countries re-patriation flights only? No idea. Any legitimate source?
Two different sources But there's many others
Zero hour contracts really are a scourge aren't they. You're right about the lack of simple answers to all this. The longer we go on like this the worse the fallout will be I dread to think of the damage months will do.
Less well off people are going to suffer so much during this. And beyond. But apparently we're not allowed to talk party politics.
Me and my wife were discussing today how many small independent businesses may never open again. And all those who work in sectors hit hard by this who may be furloughed now but find they have no job to return to.