Neither are some of us, I fkin dispair at thes t0ssers.
Football still being played in the Belarus Premier Division. Coronavirus: Belarus Premier League attracts global attention as it plays on
Brazil not taking it very seriously either...
Vodka and saunas is the advice from the President of Belarus
Sometimes I think there’s no hope for the world - I hope the people of Brazil & Belarus don’t reap the “rewards” of their idiotic leaders!
Their President reckons that Vodka and Saunas will ward Covid19 off.
‘There are more guidelines than strict rules, with a focus on staying home if you're sick or elderly, washing your hands, and avoiding any non-essential travel, as well as working from home.’ This is what I would have liked, a much more targeted approach at the groups more vulnerable to this; I guess we’ll see if their approach has worked.
Maybe the Swedish population is better at observing these recommendations. If they aren't, the same will happen over there as has happened here.
That wasn't that stage of the advice. The important part came much earlier when the vulnerable were asked to isolate themselves for their own protection. In vast numbers they stuck two fingers up and said they didn't care about their own lives
Yes it was that stage of the advice when the busy beaches etc happened, it was pretty much word for word the advice that was given. I agree with you regarding the old folk ignoring advice, my mother-in-law works in Sainsbury's and was amazed by the amount of old people in the shop a few weeks ago and said they were the most rude and obnoxious demographic.
I thought that vulnerable were advised to distance themselves much earlier and beaches only got busy over the mother's Day weekend
That's right. But the first 'big' message came from Boris Johnson on Monday 16th March when we were told to work from home if possible, limit social interaction etc which is what TM is referring to. We then had the Mother's Day weekend where loads completely ignored what the PM had said, so on Monday 23rd March he ordered people to stay at home except for essential shopping, once per day exercise. The old people had advice prior to that, but like you say, that was largely ignored too.
You mean the weekend when the advice was that people were still able to go out and exercise, but avoid restaurants, pubs, bars, cinemas, casinos, bowling alleys, shops, sports fixtures were shut down and then everyone acted surprised when the outdoor beauty spots were busy on the sunniest day of the year? That weekend? PS Far from surprised on the observation about our vulnerable demographic.