Might be more police powers but there was still a spate of break ins at businesses around Hoyland and Elsecar over the weekend (including our local....been shut 2 weeks and everything emptied so what do they think they will get ?).
"Wow". I have nothing to hide but I don't want stopping any time. anywhere and ask me what I'm doing, where I'm going, and where I've been, this country is not a nazie state people have rights its called human rights, they have taken away most of our workers rights what our ancestors fought and died for, now people like you want to get rid of our human rights, what next lets chip everyone.
Think I sit somewhere between these 2 positions. In my limited experience the majority of police officers are decent people trying to do a job of making the country a safer place to be. There are of course exceptions and cover ups which are a cause for concern - but there are good and bad in almost every career Under the current emergency I would have no problem with the police stopping me and asking where I was going - in fact I haven't taken the car out for nearly 2 weeks as I can walk to my local butchers bakers and general store. I will probably need a supermarket trip next week and then I will take the car. Once we get past lockdown I wouldnt be comfortable with the police randomly stopping me and asking where I was going - not because I will be doing anything wrong but because I dont think the state should track your every move
WakeyRed is right to be mindful of the new powers the government have. They aren't something citizens should welcome with open arms. I don't for one minute think people's movements will continue to be prevented when this is all over, but tracking their movements could easily become routine. There's a digital side to this which most people are unaware of.
You mean tracking you like Facebook, Apple, Google, Youtube, Microsoft, Instagram, Amazon and every other internet corporation? I think the police are the only ones who DON'T follow you everywhere! I agree that when all this is over we'll return to normal-and that will include the lifting of extra police powers. As ever they wouldn't be needed if certain brain deads didn't flout the rules and put other people in danger Stay safe
The police per se might not be, but the government certainly intend to. That's the digital side I'm referring to. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2...-use-uk-phone-data-if-helps-fight-coronavirus
To be honest, I was planning on reading it the other day when you sent it, but I didn’t have time to read the whole thing at the time, then I totally forgot. I’ll read it this afternoon.
Evening all. There seems to be a lot of people that are of the opinion we, the police, are only interested in stopping people so we can fine them for not sticking to the rules. A couple of points around that then. First, the rules are there to keep everyone as safe as possible. The more we can get people to stick to the public health guidelines, the sooner we can all get back to enjoying life as we knew it. As things stand, no one knows how long the current situation will go on for. The best advice we can give is to follow the advice of people that are much cleverererer than us and hope for the best. (And for the record, those clevererer people probably aren't dispensing that advice using Karen / Steve / Frank on Facebook to spread the word). Second, on the subject of fines, not a single fine has been issued in relation to breaches of the public health regs. Not one. To anybody. At the minute, we appreciate that this is a massive upheaval for people and turned their lives upside down - ours too. Whilst that isn't to say we won't issue fines in the future, if circumstances make that seem the appropriate and proportionate course of action, for now, we are trying to educate people by pointing out how they are in contravention of the public health regs and asking them to go home. We're hoping that after a reasonable conversation, we can make people see that the goal of these new regs is for the benefit of everyone. Putting it very bluntly, the fewer people we say goodbye to as a result of this virus, the better. Third, if you happen to find yourself being stopped and asked why you're out, as above, we are hoping a reasonable conversation with people will get to the bottom of things and we can offer the appropriate advice. We've seen a lot of questions and comments about "can I do this?" or "what about that?". We're not looking to dish out tickets. We are looking to get everyone's life back to normal as soon as soon as possible. The regs are there for everyone to read. We all need to apply a bit of the old common sense and do our best to stick to them, however frustrating and inconvenient that might be. And we appreciate your support in doing that. Thanks. Save lives. Stay at home. Protect the NHS.
To all nobody is saying it’s a good thing when the emergency is over, just now. You and the others who are complaining try watching someone you love dying slowly because they can’t breathe properly, and then be faced with the decision of if or when to turn off the machine.( I did last year ) and then tell me you are against a bit of inconvenience, that is nothing like what you are describing, that could save somebody else’s loved one.
I don't want stopping either in normal times but these aren't normal times are they. There are **** all police anyway as a consequence of tory cuts so it's hardly an issue and won't be one either when all this is finished.
I have lived/worked or travelled to 45 different countries over several decades. Whilst our police and judicial system may not perfect I would not want any other system than what we currently have. Sometimes people don't appreciate what we have especially when viewed from within.
Keep reading that if we all stick to the rules the sooner we can get back to normal. That's simply not the case as I understand it.