About 30 odd coaches parked up along ings lane in Bolton... Kids given enough pop, crisps, chocolate to sink a battleship topped off with a few bob to spend once you got there what a day!
About the same number from Birdwell WMC. All in the car park with that shiny silver chrome and the drivers standing waiting in shirtsleeves and ties. Got your pop and crisps and money in a little brown envelope. Could hardly sleep the night before.
Wombwell Reform Train to Skeggy. Must have had sixty carriages on it lol. Queue a mile long at Wombwell train station on station road not the current one .
Barrow Club trip when I was a kid we got a ten bob note in a little brown envelope. Mum & dad bought us all a pair of plastic sandals so we could go in the sea. We had a tag in our lapel in case we got lost. Spent the ten bob on a water pistol, stink bombs and a trick from the joke shop and went on the slot machines. Still had enough money for a donkey ride, an ice cream and a stick of rock.
Jump wmc. I do remember 32 coaches one year. Used to queue up outside club as kids Friday night. Waiting for it to open. List up just inside doorway. Hoping we'd be on bus no.1 it was a bragging right if you were.
Ward Green Club. Coaches parked all way up hill on Mount Vernon Road. Pop crisps brown envelope and a tag with yer details on in case you got misplaced.
Gawber Road w.m.c , Sunday mornings, trip to Blackpool. Coaches pulled up all the way down Redbrook road to the Friendship.
Not been on one, however as we lived at Millhouses in Darfield we were by the A635. Every Saturday and Sunday in summer I'd wake up early and watch all the buses go by and try to count them. I can't remember how many there were but it must have been best part of a hundred. For at least an hour it was one after an other after an other. I do remember that bus park at Scarborough always being crammed at weekends.
That little brown envelope with the money in Went every year with Haddon Road club - we always seemed to be last coach back. .My grandad was always sat waiting on the wall with a pint
Racing... bus versus bus (you thought) singing, Vote vote vote for our driver you can't vote for a better man He's a man, he's a man, he's a slice of bread and jam If he'd only put his shoulder to the wheel...
I grew up just above Junction Pub bottom of Cemetery Rd and it was same St Leger Day at Donny races before the motorways were built, coaches nose to tail coming from Lancashire.
I remember a club trip by train (steam train at that) from Bolton on Dearne to Blackpool, must have been mid 60s. Years later I was talking to a bloke across the street who was a train driver and he told me that he had been fireman on several club trips most likely including the one I remember.
Roll along Yorkshire Traction roll along Roll along Yorkshire Traction roll along With a great big hole in’t Tyre And the ******* thing on fire Roll along Yorkshire Traction roll along.
Cleethorpes in 1968, club steward came round the coach with a box full of tied up hankies. All us kids got one. Untying it they had given us all ten shillings. I'd never seen so much money. Can't describe the excitement we all felt Poor in money and goods, but incredibly rich in comradeship and community spirit
I remember times when for some reason we couldn't go on the trip, we had to queue up at the club for our ten bobs. As you say, untold riches....