I would expect an increase in heart attacks as heart attacks can be brought on by stress which losing a job or suddenly struggling to pay bills can do to anyone of any age. There was an increase in heart attacks during the last recession for this very reason. The difference is that now instead of being in a public place these will happen at home. Live alone and whos going to call 999?
Fingers crossed for you but June?!!! What are you supposed to live on in the meantime FFS? Also the lack of a decision does not help you. Stay strong and stay safe. Best of luck and I sincerely hope it works out and you get the financial help you need.
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/ar...9-accused-Britains-self-isolation-murder.html Already seeing a rise in domestic violence deaths.
If you're a Ltd company and pay yourself through paye it will be 80% of that. Unfortunately it does sound as though no money will be forthcoming until June .
Interesting little bit on sky news. https://news.sky.com/video/covid-19-how-do-figures-of-virus-deaths-compare-to-a-normal-year-11964813
Perfectly illustrates what Jay and I have been trying to get people to understand, particularly well explains the difference between total and excess deaths.
Nobody is saying we are. The report points out it will save many lives now but will come at a cost later.
Its the trolley problem isn't it. A train is heading towards 5 people stood on the tracks. Do you a. Do nothing and let it kill them or b. Pull the lever to switch the tracks killing 1 innocent person who would have been fine without your intervention?
An even higher number of deaths if we didnt react to it would still.have economic consequences. Most advice was to act fast, you cant go back and wish you'd acted sooner.
I don't pay myself through PAYE, but through my tax return as self employed, as a result I fall through the cracks of all the systems, other than universal credit.
My mother in law is in limbo. She's 83 and was diagnosed with breast cancer 7 or 8 years ago. Until recently, her tumour has been kept under control (in fact it's been steadily shrinking) through daily medication. Recently, however, her medication lost its potency, something that we're led to believe is not uncommon. The alternative meds have had no effect, so she was due to have a mastectomy last week. The operation was cancelled at the last minute. If her cancer spreads before she gets the op, and the worst happens, she'll be recorded as a cancer death. There's no doubt in our minds, though, that she will have been killed by Covid-19.... and by anyone who has gone about their business with a "couldn't care less" attitude.
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-sussex-52099878 the government got to get lockdown balance right,need some announcement if situation improves at Easter ,what a situation we in, family's killing themselves,even poor dog gone
That's terrible, similar situation with my Dad & his skin cancer. Was meant to have an appointment to go last week. I can't see him getting through an extended lockdown one way or another.
Sorry to hear that, JP. All we can do is keep going and hope for the best. Hope it goes well for your Dad.