So at the moment, the world is in a pretty dark place with COVID. Loss of freedoms in many countries, far too many dead and critically ill, and the worse is (probably) yet to come... Yet, perhaps some positives could come out of this. Personally, I hope that this will finally allow the large majority of office based workers (those that are still working) to continue to work from home 3-4 days per week instead of being expected in the office. This will reduce traffic congestion, it will reduce traffic fatalities, and reduce pollution, so 3 positives. Support for the NHS is at the highest it has been for years, so perhaps the government will finally reward those that work for it as they deserve. But what else could we use this to improve in our country and our lives?
I’ve been pleasantly surprised by the number of families out and about taking their exercise together which has to be a good thing in these shitty circumstances.
Also shows that ( despite what Thatcherism thinks) there is such a thing as Society and when it tries to pull together it can be a nice place to be in indeed. Investing in public services that are run and controlled by the public and not the private profiteers is essential
Football may finally eat itself. If sky pull the cash because the PL haven’t given them the product then players getting obscene wages just maybe will re set.
I sincerely hope that it causes society to have a serious think about what is REALLY important. I hope there is no more hero worship of sports stars on obscene money, no more betting companies sponsoring everything that moves whilst simultaneously emptying people's bank accounts due to addiction. No more underfunding the NHS whilst pouring billions into a railway line which will cut 20 minutes off a trip to London. No more sh1tty wages being paid to NHS staff who are the real heroes and always have been. No more thieving car parking companies dishing out £100 fines for being 2 minutes over time. No more privateering train companies running crap services but charging extortionate fares. I have lots more This week we put a big "Thank you" notice on our wheelie bin when they came to empty it, something we'd never have thought of before this crisis, which goes to help demonstrate what Tarntyke says about society pulling together. This awful situation is already giving people a different perspective, and when and if we get through this, I hope there is some deep contemplation about the kind of society we'd like to see. We might even give it a name. Socialism anyone?
Within months of the virus going away everything will be back to normal with greed and self interest being back at the top of the agenda.
These have been my thoughts for a while. As others have said I fear greed & stupidity may return. Not getting party political on this, as the measures the Conservative Government have taken are the most socialist seen since the creation of the NHS. The building of a hospital in no time with the use of the standing army, shows what can be done. I think they have made grave errors in tackling this, but I'm trying to get behind some sort of unified cause for now, with lessons to be learned after the fact. lessons you righly point out.
I'd also add my local MP Alex Sobel has been a paragon of virtue, fighting for everyone from the self employed, to testing for social care workers & NHS resources. That man is truly worthy of being my MP.