I have to work but still spending far more time in the house than normal. think dogs are fed up of going for walks now We have dusted off the wii that’s been in Garage for years and wouldn’t play discs. I’ve softmodded it to play games off a hard drive and we’re having a good laugh as a family. some crap games for wii but some fantastic ones which are great fun whatever your age. Bit gutted kids sold the Guitar for guitar hero at car boot for about 2 quid though. probably spoke to kids more this week than I have for months
To be honest my routine has barely changed as we live in the middle of nowhere. I'm lucky in that respect. The weather has miraculously turned to sunshine and pleasant temperature so we're out in the garden a lot. Other than that netflix and computer golf and footy are taking a hammering.
Watching classic musicals, period dramas my daughters didn't get to watch first time round (son is glued to his ps4) and reading. And a bit of housework/sorting out.
Mind you I spent 2 hours yesterday tryang to get my repeat prescription from the drs ( all new to me because I've not really needed medication before)
No lockdown for us, apparently we’re supplying ‘critical infrastructure works’ so although no one wants to be near anyone else we’re still at work until the parent company decrees we’re not busy enough then we’ll close. Taking it week by week and hoping we can keep going. Take care everyone.
I rang the drs and they asked me which chemist I wanted to use and put the request through to the dr. Hopefully should be able to get it Friday from my local chemist. I got a text to say what hours I could ring about prescriptions a week or so ago.
Thats how mine works as well - though they pushed it out to 72 hours now - they are supposed to review every year and last time it was due for a review we just did it over the phone to check all was as it should be.
Just finished binge watching Benidorm, forgotten how funny it is and how well written by Derren Litten
Teaching myself how to write Android apps, doing a software project for my previous employer, programming my own design Raspberry PI thermostat, annoying my friends by telling them each time they post fake news about the situation on social media, sawing wood, tidying the garden, climbing Snowdon, trying to find a Tesco online delivery slot, improving my German, annoying my German wife by asking her for help improving my German.
Working from home. Expect the murder rate in wilthorpe to increase soon as my inner D-Fens starts leaking through ...
Reading. At the moment, I'm just coming to the end of A History Of Scotland by Neil Oliver (one of my favourite archaeologists). Also, feeding and watching the birds in my garden. I appreciate a good many will find this mind numbingly boring (as they do me!), but I'm enjoying it.