I suspect many businesses are going to have cash flow problems, paying out 80% of wages, nothing coming in because they're essentially shut down, and waiting for the government to reimburse.
I imagine many will have to use the interest free loan scheme in the meantime. Not saying that's a solution, just saying that's what will likely happen.
The only time I recall hearing this word was in the 50's and 60's westerns and it related to cavalry being on "leave".
Most American terms are old Brittish terms we no longer use, i.e., Fall rather than Autumn. I'll probably go on furlough at some stage from my company. Won't be able to do any work at the company other than statutory returns (VAT, etc) Will be hard as it's 80% of my income, whilst still paying overheads, but would be better than universal credit. It's very complex to wade through....
We are furloughed for 2 months. We are all on 80% pay which at my time of life isn’t too much of a problem but I know it will be a challenge for some.
When only a few thousand are applying for universal credit at one time it takes 5 weeks for any money to come in at all. If there are any queries to the application, much longer. Millions will be applying for this. Nothing is being thought through. Absolutely nothing.
Before the government announcement on this whole furlough thing, the company I work for offered 80% wages to all those we sent home with preexisting medical conditions, anyone self-isolating and anyone who had to look after their kids or vulnerable relatives (basically anyone who couldn't work). We're still open. Anyone who can work from home does. Many can't because we deal with very sensitive information that cannot be accessed from outside the building. Our staff did not take advantage of the offer and we're still at 60% staff levels. They're amazing. We practice social distancing throughout the business and have taken over extra offices to accommodate everyone and keep them apart by more than the recommended distance (as well as practical things like wedging all doors open so no one has to touch anything, hand sanitises everywhere, wipes on every desk, etc etc). The company won't be able to claim any of that money back as we have to shut down to do that. We provide a service that genuinely saves lives. Some of our clients are trying to get out of paying us. I could earn three, four, five times my wage elsewhere. Entirely by luck I've learnt skills that are in extremely high demand but very rare. But I won't. Not while we can keep this business alive. Some things are worth so much more than money.
Good work, people like this deserve full praise in my book. It is a jungle out there. Some appropriate words from a Randy Newman song: It's a jungle out there Disorder and confusion everywhere No one seems to care Well I do Hey, who's in charge here? It's a jungle out there Poison in the very air we breathe Do you know what's in the water that you drink? Well I do, and it's amazing People think I'm crazy, 'cause I worry all the time If you paid attention, you'd be worried too You better pay attention Or this world we love so much might just kill you I could be wrong now, but I don't think so 'Cause there's a jungle out there It's a jungle out there It's a jungle out there Violence and danger everywhere It's brother against brother Pouding on each other Like they would make a mess It's a jungle out there It's a jungle here too You got a tap right on your phone A microphone and camera check on everything you do Call it paranoia as the saying goes Even paranoids have their meek I'm not the one who's crazy, I'm not afraid of them They're afraid of you and me I could be wrong there, but I don't think so 'Cause it's a jungle out there It's a jungle out there It's a jungle out there Even the cops are scared today So if you see a uniform Do exactly what they say Or make a run for it I'm only kidding with ya 'Cause it's a jungle out there It's a jungle out there
How you doing? We have a mutual friend. The much maligned and misunderstood SM who is a very big loss to this BBS and someone I absolutely love to bump into in a pub as I know we're going to get p*ssed and laugh.
Hanging in. Battling the good times & the bad mate. One bit of news is hope, the next despair. I'm in a better position than most though & this board is full of great people, loving, forgiving & kind, despite some cruel words at times. Humanity is not lost & neither is good humour.
just been told today that i am from next week after initially being told that i was deemed as an essential worker 80% of my salary with no top up from the company but can be called back at anytime and for a period of 3 months I can only hope that there is a job to go back to and trying to stay positive