When the infection rate is measured as the number of cases per 100,000 head of population. London is highest with 64 and Sheffield is second with 59. We are 9th with 32. I suspect the numbers could be different either way as we are not testing as much as we should.
Barnsley has always been a brilliant place for bad health. There’s not many places in the country that are better at it. I think Middlesbrough is one of them tho. Poverty and a poor state of mind has got to play a part here - it has to be - not many places can beat Barnsley folk at being miserable. Us in Barnsley have got misery down to a fine art form.
Jokes. No one I know from around here will laugh at them. Yer might get the corners of their mouth turning upwards occasionally.
It will cheer some folk up in Barnsley if they catch it. Nowt like a bit of bad health to get some folk excited.
You must know some miserable ******** then. Do you live in a Gulag ? I read that thread nearly every day. It's a tonic in these difficult times. It must also be the longest ever thread on the BBS so we're not all miserable gets in Barnsley.