Where have you got that figure from? Source please? This is from statista and can also be found on official birth/death statistic sites. You have doubled the average daily death rate here. Over the last few years the daily rate averages around 1500 with the year 2018 seeing the highest at 1614.
Someone dies from Coronavirus: omg omg omg this is a disgrace. Lock up the country Someone dies from flu: ah well they had a good innings
An old pal of mine aged 52 fit and healthy is currently on a ventilator with corona virus. I desperately hope he pulls through this so he can spend another 20-40 years living until he succumbs to something like influenza.
Flu kills people of all ages. It kills more younger people than coronavirus so far. All deaths are horrible. The hypocrisy of cherry picking who's death we give a toss about is frankly disgusting (and I don't mean you) Having to be taugh, as adults, not to cough on people in case we kill them? An great shame on the human race.
We can't, as human beings, go around fearing all the diseases that are capable of killing us. Well we could, but it would be no kind of life. Some unfortunate people do and live very unhappy lives. Low risk groups die in their millions every year from cancer and heart disease alone. Covid-19 may kill me, but it is far, far more likely that as a man in his late 40s who smokes and drinks that I will die this year of a heart attack or cancer. As someone who suffers from a couple of major mental health issues, it is a surprise that I'm here at all. Malaria kills over a million people every year, mostly children under the age of 5. The number of children who die due to poverty doesn't bear thinking about. https://www.who.int/news-room/detai...der-15-dies-every-5-seconds-around-the-world- This is not an argument against the measures currently in place to combat Covid-19. Nor is it an attempt to undermine the severity of the disease for certain groups of people for whom this is a very real threat. Nor am I claiming that because I should be OK then I should be allowed to do as I please. I'm fully aware I could be a carrier and put others at risk. What I'm saying is that I shouldn't be scared of this and I'm not. In the presence of fear we do not make sound judgements.
I've lost loads of pals, associates over the years. Cancer, accidents, drug overdose, heart attack and suicide but none with influenza.
The WHO estimate that between a quarter of a million and half a million people die each year from influenza. https://www.medscape.com/answers/219557-3459/what-is-the-global-incidence-of-influenza In a good year in the UK a couple of thousand die. In a normal year between 20 to 30 thousand https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/annual-flu-reports You not knowing anyone that has died from the virus doesn't mean it's not happening.
I know it happens. I know that it mostly happens to people who are aged or have significant underlying health issues. We dont have hundreds of people a day dying of influenza in the uk though. If this virus wasn't restricted with the measures that are being put in place we would have an extra couple of thousand people a day dying of the virus in a month and this would continue to rise.
And the point is, people who die “from” flu usually goes down as pneumonia in the death certificate, whereas we appear to be counting every death where someone had Corona virus as the cause of death.
These are influenza stats from the uk over the main 12 weeks flu season. Compare these deaths with what we are seeing now: incomparable.
This is a conversation we should be having over a beer in the No7. Your last two comments are pretty salient, however I'd respond that I'm choosing to be more risk averse currently.