Probably true - but how about posting upon the far greater Chinese influence in Africa - those after the minerals - the ones propping up the governnments - the ones not interested in standards of the people, or in democracy.
So if you're discussing something with someone you call them ignorant? Right on - see how far that gets you.
I was watching a programme about China a few years ago about how it is no longer so cheap to set up over there due to their economic boom and workers demanding better terms and conditions. And that to me is a good thing. Obviously this will take time, just as it did with us here.
I remember when there was a fountain in that disco on Regent Street. Not quite an aqueduct, but I'm sure you'd have played "It's raining men" on the strength of it.
Everyone on here slates the USA then live their lives increasingly according to what they produce. Or influence us with. They post on here with a MacDonalds in front of them on the table. That's it. I have a burger from there no more than twice a year. Let's just get our own house in order.
They sound gorgeous to me at this time of night - never had one but I'm prepared to stop arguing with you if you send one round to my house right now. Do they do vanilla?
I might not call them ignorant but I might well say they were ignorant of the facts. I wouldn't mind if someone said that to me if that was the case.
Yeah well The bloke who posted asked simply "how ignorant do you have to be?" I'm sure he uses such phrases down the pub - just before someone lamps him. Still - he hasn't been to McDonalds for 15 years. If he had he might have learnt something about being polite to others - even if the staff don't really mean it.
Yes very true I would say most of them investing in Africa including a lot of Africans as well . I’m sure there’s a lot of people have Africa at heart and want to do the right things but then you have the Mark Thatchers and Some Chinese etc attempting to undermine them .
It's not "some" Chinese I'm afraid. It's a state policy of China based upon the need for raw materials that don't exist at home.
Slavery in the USA was abolished with the 13th Amendment in December 1865, by one Andrew Johnson - the 17th President, who replaced Abraham Lincoln and after the end of the Civil War (one of the main causes of which was the right to hold slaves). If the Confederates had won, America would have continued to have legalised slavery. And it is only within living memory that the actions of Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King and countless others got equality within the law for people of colour in the USA. Coca Cola was invented by Confederate Colonel John Pemberton in a bid to find an alternative to his addiction to morphine after being injured in the Civil War. The original formula used cocaine, was alcoholic and called Pemberton's French Wine Coca and released to the public in 1885 (being beaten by a Spanish drink called Kola Coca). The non-alcoholic version of coca cola was released in 1886 after Atlanta passed prohibition legislation. It was marketed as a "temperance" drink.