Course you can always favour the Oxford/London centric ,Eton College Tory equivalent who believes that having a cabinet composed of individuals ,two thirds of whom attended private schools somehow represents the good people of Barnsley. Presumably that is more palatable than somebody who worked free of charge to help defend individuals under assault from multinationals like McDonalds!
Most people don't want change. Most people want to see a moderate government - a largely centrist one. Most people are voting for one extreme because they're afraid of the other extreme. If Starmer hits the middle ground, and can be seen to have rid Labour of thier unpalatable left wing excesses, then I reckon he's got a fighting chance. Disapproving of him because of where he comes from is idiocy. It's what he is capable of doing for most people, what most people trust him to do, that counts. In time i might get behind him.
Centrist New Labour is the last time we got elected by the afraid the days of left wing unionist politics is gone and although commonly tagged as "Blairite" he was the one who got elected.....
Yep , and eventually that turned out to be a loosing strategy as we saw in 2010 . It was a loosing strategy then and it will be next election .
Lets wait and see. Although I consider myself a socialist I dont think Blairs time in office was as bad as some make out. There was a very clear push to end child poverty for eg. I was against the Iraq war but that would have happened if the Tories were in power, they voted for it after all. Looking at the footballers situation "from each according to their ability to each according to their need" seems to be accepted as reasonable by our population which is a positive step in people's thinking.
I was really impressed with Rayner last year during the election, she came across really well, apart from her voice that really grated.
Sir Keir just been on the BBC News. Says where it makes sense, he will cooperate with HM Government on policy issues for the good of the nation and that he is to meet Boris later today, to discuss an all embracing strategy to counteract the current effects of Covid-19.
Your right on war , it was bi-partisan . As for new labour , it was ok at the time but a disaster long term . Take PFI ( a new labour pet project ) . Amount borrowed by the NHS 12 billion , amount to pay back 90 billion plus all in the name of trying to keep taxes low . Then there's the repeal of the glass-steagull act in the US which led directly to to the 2008 crash . New labour could have quite easily stopped UK banks piling into US markets but they did nt , in fact they actively encouraged it . I nearly forgot as well , Tony Blair's near 100 million fortune ...... Enough said .
Some utterly incoherent views on here. If you don’t like Starmer, then fair enough, but if you think he won’t be an improvement on Milliband and Corbyn, then I am 99.9% certain you are mistaken.
Hope he is meeting Boris at a safe distance all serious medical research says he will still be infectious if he still had corona symptoms a couple of days ago
We took a radical leftish agenda to the country and got our a***s kicked firstly by the right wing press and then the electorate. We need to be in government, not the nonentity which we have been. I personally rejoiced to see a sensible decision from the party for once. I think that with the right policies and a less inept election strategy Labour can sweep to power after the s***storm that will follow the inept handling of this crisis.
Sure , but there were many parties involved apart from new labour . That's it with new labour , if I were to draw a comparison it would be the Dems under Lyndon b Johnson who brought civil rights to the US then proceeded to kill millions in Vietnam . Just because they did some good stuff it doesn't exonerate them from all the horrible stuff they ve done .