But with Corbyn the hate wasn’t there till he nearly beat May in the elections and then the media realised and did a job in case he did well in the next .
There's Keir s speech here if you can bear it . Starts going on about anti semitism at 6 minutes . If he's not willing to stand up to the establishment , be it political or corporate then I'm afraid it's game over as far as labour are concerned .
Well he’s not my choice but I will support him and get behind him . My first priority after beating this virus is getting the Liar and Commie out of Downing Street . Ps That should be when we beat the virus not me personally.
you cant just blame the media marlon,Corbyn has always been very anti EU,often stating that it was undemocratic etc,he then changed his position and became what was seen as a remainer,the working class saw this as nothing short of treason and voted accordingly ,Corbyn was as much to blame as,(if not more than) the media, in labours demise. Other pro EU labour mp's were also part of labours demise for much the same reasons and I personally see Starmers appointment being taken as another rejection of the people that voted leave and in my own opinion i see the next election winners being(once again)the tories.. Only time will tell
Utter b0llocks the reason Corbyn lost 2 elections is simple the Corbyn factor he was never going to win because quite simply he wasn't up to the job the fact is everybody but him and his cult following knew this. Blair stood in 3 elections and won three Brown Miliband and Corbyn have taken the party further left and got nowhere. Its time for Stamer to move the party back towards the sensible left of center of politics and give Labour a fighting chance again.
to start a post with “utter b*llocks” and then spout that nonsense is just strange. Corbyn increased the labour vote to a level not seen since 1945. Comparing him to Blair isn’t fair as they were as polar opposite of a Labour Party as it could get. labour has only been in power for 13 of the last 50 years, this isn’t all Corbyns fault!! I do agree that the party needs to more centrist whilst still being a socialist party however, Blair’s wasn’t.
I can blame the media for the hate campaign because it was them that started it . I was at the Durham Gala when he announced his intention to stand for the party leadership before momentum was even thought of . There were people saying how refreshing to not have a party robot , those same people who were singing his name at the first elections turned their back after snd were calling him and although they wouldn’t admit it it was after the media hate campaign started , loads of people who had nothing but praise for him before the hate campaign had started were calling him after but wouldn’t have it that it was a media and social media campaign that changed them when it quite clearly had . The atmosphere after those first elections was there for any body to see , well those that wanted to look . I knew someone who used to sing his name in that song before the first elections and went from that to genuinely believing he was actually IN the IRA and it took some convincing that that had not actually been said . Leave and remain are gone now so it’s immaterial what he stood for imo that’s only gonna divide the party most labour politicians were remain even Lisa Nandy but I suppose it will be another stick to use . The Media and Social Media will do another job I suppose while the real criminal in office had free reign .
The reason Corbyn lost 2 elections is because the whole establishment stood against him including his own party , or certainly the rump of it . If the Keir starmers and Yvette Cooper's had actually backed him he might have stood a chance though I do agree with the earlier point Corbyn should not have folded re the EU . The whole EU issue with labour pretty much showed how out of touch the party has become .
Good look Keir, you'll have the media going through your personal life looking for the slightest slipup you may have made ever since you were born. What I have read on here most posters that vote Tory think Kier has been a bad choice they should look at there own leader who is a racist, bigot and the biggest lier you would ever want to meet.
And knows/cares about the people of Barnsley as much as that young lass from Birmingham who’s one of our MPs.